عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 01-07-2013, 03:29 PM
المشاركة 161
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


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Gustave Flaubert
was born in Rouen into a family of doctors. His father, Achille-Cléophas Flaubert, a chief surgeon at the Rouen municipal hospital, made money investing in land. Flaubert's mother, Anne-Justine-Caroline (née Fleuriot), was the daughter of a physician; she became the most important person in the author's life. Anne-Justine-Caroline died in 1872.
Flaubert began to write during his school years. At the age of fifteen he won a prize for an essay on mushrooms. Actually his work was a copy.
- A disappointment in his teens – Flaubert fell in love with Elisa Schlésinger, who was married and some 10 years his senior – inspired much of his early writing.
- His bourgeois background Flaubert found early burdensome, and eventually his rebel against it led to his expulsion from school. Flaubert completed his education privately in Paris.
- In the 1840s Flaubert studied law at Paris, a brief episode in his life, and in 1844 he had a nervous attack.
- "I was cowardly in my youth," Flaubert wrote once to George Sand. "I was afraid of life."
- He recognized from suffering a nervous disease, although it could have been epilepsy.
- However, the diagnosis changed Flaubert's life. He failed his law exams and decided to devote himself to literature.
- In this Flaubert was helped by his father who bought him a house at Croisset, on the River Seine between Paris and Rouen.
In 1846 Flaubert met the writer Louise Colet. They corresponded regularly and she became Flaubert's mistress although they met infrequently. Colet gave in Lui (1859) her account of their relationship.
- After the death of both his father and his married sister, Flaubert moved at Croisset, the family's country home near Rouen.
- Until he was 50 years old, Flaubert lived with his mother – he was called ''hermit of Croisset.'' The household also included his niece Caroline.
Although Flaubert once stated ''I am a bear and want to remain a bear in my den,'' he kept good contacts to Paris and witnessed the Revolution of 1848. Later he received honors from Napoleon III. From 1856 Flaubert spent winters in Paris. He had written since childhood, and unable to throw anything away, he stored his manuscripts. But by the age of thirty, his only major work was a prose-poem, La Tentation de Saint Antoine. Part of its fantastic mode was inspired by a Brueghel painting. His friend, Louis Bouilhet, adviced, "I think you ought to throw it in the fire and never mention it again." In 1871, when the Prussian army destroyed the last monarchical regime in France, Flaubert buried a box full of letters and perhaps other papers in his garden.
- وقع وهو مراهق في حب امرأة تكبره بعشر سنوات لكنها تزوجت وشكل ذلك له صدمة عنيفة.
- طرد من المدرسة واكمل دراسته في باريس أي بعيدا عن الاهل وعلى الاغلب في مدرسة داخلية.
- درس القانون في باريس ايضا لكنه اصيب بانهيار عصبي عام 1844 وعمره 23 سنة.
- يبدو انه كان يعاني من مرض الوسواس القهري فقد كان يخاف من الحياة.
- البعض شخص مرضه على انه مرض الصرع.
- رسب في مواد القانون وقرر تكريس نفسه للادب.
- بعد موت اباه واخته المتزوجه عاد للعيش مع امه واهتم بتربية ابنة اختة اليتيمة وظل كذلك الى سن 50 عام دون ان يتزوج.
- كان يعشي حياة عزلة ويصف حياته على انها مثل حياة الدببة في عرينها.

لا شك أن حياته كان تمثل أزمة خاصة بسبب مرضه العصبي .

ملاحظة الدارس : مأزوم وسبب أزمته مرض الصرع الذي كان يعاني منه الكثير من العظماء أمثال نابليون والذي يبدو انه مؤشر لوجود العبقرية .