عرض مشاركة واحدة


ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


ايوب صابر is on a distinguished road

    غير موجود



تاريخ التسجيل
Sep 2009


رقم العضوية
07-16-2013, 04:29 PM
المشاركة 1
07-16-2013, 04:29 PM
المشاركة 1
افتراضي اهل انطلق الربيع الامريكي بسبب حادث فلوريدا ؟
الى اي مدى سوف تستمرالاحتججات التي انطلقت في أمريكا كنتيجة لحكم محكمة في فلوردا بتبرئة شخص ابيض قتل شاب اسود كان يعتقد انه حرامي وتبين انه من سكان المجمع الذي وقع فيه الحادث ؟
- هل تمتد الاحتجاجات وتزداد عنفا لتتحول في النهاية الى ربيع اصحاب البشرة السمراء ؟
- هل تشتعل امريكا على اثر هذا الحكم الذي يعتبره قطاع عريض من السكان عنصري ؟
Los Angeles (CNN) -- A group of protesters in Los Angeles did exactly what critics of George Zimmerman's acquittal didn't want -- they vented their anger through violence.
Police said the group damaged cars and businesses along Crenshaw Boulevard, a major thoroughfare. Officers made 13 arrests.
Now, police say they've had enough.
Starting Tuesday, LAPD will have a "much stricter posture" in the way it handles protesters in the area. Police Chief Charlie Beck said anyone blocking streets without a permit could go to jail.
"Unfortunately, the rights of the many have been abused by the actions of a few," Beck said late Monday night.
Three days of protests
Police emphasized that the vast majority of protesters in Los Angeles -- and around the
country -- have rallied peacefully since Saturday, when Zimmerman was acquitted of charges in the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.
But some Los Angeles protesters hurled rocks, batteries and chunks of concrete toward police over the weekend. Officers responded by shooting bean bags.
And on Monday night, a protester struck a news photographer in the head with a hard object. The impact knocked the camera out of the hands of the photographer, who works for CNN affiliate KCAL.
Memories of 1992
Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas cautioned against
demonstrations spiraling into deeper violence, stirring memories of city's 1992 riots that left more than 50 people dead.
Those riots were spurred by the acquittal of several LAPD officers who were videotaped beating Rodney King nearly to death.
"Twenty-one years ago, we witnessed what can happen when there's a reaction to a verdict," Ridley-Thomas said. "Non-violence ... is the most effective way to communicate how to address injustice."
Violence in Oakland
Los Angeles isn't the only city grappling with violence after the verdict.
Nine people were arrested in Oakland, California, during protests that ended around midnight, Oakland Police Officer Johnna Watson said early Tuesday morning.
Some protesters threw rocks, bottles and firecrackers at police, Watson said