عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 11-12-2016, 02:10 PM
المشاركة 48
ايوب صابر
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ولعت ودخلت المظاهرات مرحلة جديدة

خبر عاجل

11:47 AM One person shot after anti-Trump demonstration in Portland, Oregon (Reuters)
سقوط اول ضحية باطلاق الرصاص عليه اثناء مشاركته في المظاهرات ضد انتخاب ترمب في مدينة بورتلاند في اوريجون .

Anti-Trump protesters march for 3rd night; Portland police call it a 'riot'
By Azadeh Ansari, CNN
Updated 1511 GMT (2311 HKT) November 11, 2016
مظاهرات ضد انتخاب ترمب لليلة الثالثة وشرطة بورتلاند تقول انها شغب

Trump tweets response to second day of protests 02:17
Story highlights
As many as 185 protesters arrested in Los Angeles, police say
Portland police tweet of "extensive criminal and dangerous behavior"
150 متظاهر في لوس أنجلوس والشرطة في بورتلاند تغرد بان هناك الكثير من التصرفات الخطيرة والعدوانية من قبل المتظاهرين .

(CNN)Thousands protesting Donald Trump's victory in the presidential election took to the streets for a third night of demonstrations and vigils in several US cities.
الآلاف يتظاهرون ضد انتاب ترمب في عدة مدن أمريكية .

An anti-Trump rally in Portland, Oregon, revved up as protesters confronted police Thursday night. What started out as a peaceful march, with more than 4,000 people, quickly turned violent.
Over the course of the evening, "anarchists" in the crowd threw objects at officers, vandalized local businesses and damaged cars, Portland Police Sgt. Pete Simpson said.
مواجهات بين المتظاهرين والشرطة في بورتلاند . والمظاهرة وشارك فيها حوالي 4000 شخص التي انطلقت سلمية ما لبثت ان تحولت الي عنيفة حيث قام الفوضوين بإلقاء الحجارة على الشرطة وتخريب المحلات التجارية وتكسير السيارات كما جاء على لسان شرطة بورتلاند .

Protesters marched through Portland's streets Thursday night.
Police publicly declared a "riot" due to "extensive criminal and dangerous behavior" and called the protest "unlawful," according to posts on the department's Twitter page.
وأعلنت الشرطة عن خالة شغب وتصرف غير قانوني بسبب ما قام به المتظاهرين من عنف
The crowd was dispersed using "less lethal munitions" and at least 26 protesters were arrested, police said.
Police have deployed less lethal munitions such as OC spray and vapor (pepper spray), rubber ball distraction devices, rubber baton rounds.

— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) November 11, 2016
Protests and marches continued in other US cities including Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Denver, Minneapolis, Baltimore, Dallas and Oakland, California.

A protester kicks a bank's window during Thurdsay night's protest in Portland.
The mood in the streets where protesters marched was as varied as the locations.
Some of the roughly 1,000 protesters in Oakland broke store windows, left graffiti on buildings and threw M-80 firecrackers, Molotov cocktails and bottles at police officers, authorities said.
Eleven people were arrested in Oakland, including someone who had seven Molotov cocktails in his possession, police said. Some of those arrested are accused of assaulting police officers.
In Los Angeles, about 185 protesters were arrested Thursday night into Friday morning, police Officer Norma Eisenman said -- including some on suspicion of blocking roads, and minors accused of violating curfew.
People gathered outside Los Angeles' City Hall chanting "not my president." As in Oakland, there were reports of people throwing rocks and bottles at police officers and vandalizing police cars with graffiti, CNN affiliate ABC reported. At least one person was held on suspicion of assaulting an officer, Eisenman said.
Outside the White House on Thursday night, protesters gathered with signs, some of which said "Donald Trump is a racist."
Many demonstrations were peaceful, if not tense and somber.
In Philadelphia, protester Deb Bentzel said that "as a woman and someone who believes all people, regardless of their race, religion or citizenship status should be supported and embraced by this country," she marched to reject "the racism, hate, misogyny and fear that this man (Trump) projects and fosters in others."
In Minneapolis, protester Lauren Peck shared similar sentiments as she gathered with others at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, named for the late US senator and Vice President Hubert Humphrey, at the University of Minnesota.

Cars at a Toyota dealership in Portland were smashed during Thursday night's protests.
"I feel it's important to voice that I have serious concerns about this President-elect and the racism, sexism, xenophobia and so much more that does not represent me or so many in my life. The mood here is peaceful, positive and energetic," Peck said.
Photos: When the people protest the president
Trump tweeted that the demonstrations that began hours after polls closed Tuesday night were "very unfair."
Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 11, 2016
Trump's presidency 'needs to be opposed'
Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore also joined the pack of protesters outside Trump Tower in New York this week.

Portland police said they used pepper spray to disperse protesters after the demonstrators threw things at the officers.
"I was very proud of the fact that so many people came out because his presidency needs to be opposed right now," Moore told Don Lemon on "CNN Tonight" Thursday.
"Literally thousands of people coming down the street and I just joined them," Moore said. "There's a lot of fear and a lot of panic amongst a lot of people right now."
Michael Moore (@MMFlint) to @donlemon: Donald Trump's "presidency has to be opposed right now" https://t.co/mCRciYUGTj

— CNN (@CNN) November 11, 2016
CNN's Sheena Jones, Emanuella Grinberg, Cheri Mossburg and Jason Hanna contributed to this report.

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