عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 02-21-2012, 12:44 PM
المشاركة 108
ايوب صابر
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  • غير موجود
38 - هيرود العظيم

· Herod the Great (73/74 BC-4 BC), King of Judea

هيرود العظيم, ملك اليهود ، اردني

مما لا يعرفه الكثيرون عن الاردن , ان اعظم ملوك اليهود كان ادومياً ,نبطياً ,اردنياً. هيرود العظيم او هيرود الاول, ولد عام ٧٣ ق.م, من ابوين ادوميين, اعتنقوا اليهوديه , والده انتباتر ووالدته سيبرو , وجده انتيباس حاكم ادوميا اللذي عين من قبل يهونتان , لم يحدد التاريخ اذا كانت اسرتهُ ارغمت على اعتناق اليهوديه خلال حملة التهويد الاجباريه على عهد الملك اليهودي يهونتان ١٠٤- ٧٦ ق.م, او عندما اجتاح اليهود ارض الادوميين على عهد كبير الكهنه يهوحنن الاول ١٣٥-١٠٤ ق.م, وبعهد الكاهن الاعلى يهوحنن الثاني ٦٧ - ٤٠ ق.م, عُينَ انتباتر والد هيرود كمستشار للكاهن لما كان يمتاز به من ذكاءِ وفطنه وحكمه. كان انتباتر بعيد النظر , لذلك ارسل بابنه هيرود الى حاضرة العالم انذاك, مدينة روما, وهنالك نهل العلم والسياسه بمدارس النبلاء, ممن سيصبحون اباطرة روما فيما بعد. عندما عاد هيرود الى القدس, عينه الكاهن الاعلى كحاكم على منطقة الجليل ولم يزد عمره عن ١٥عام, وعُين شقيقه فصال ,كحاكم على مدينة القدس وضواحيها, ورغم صغرِ سنه الا انه اثبت جداره وحزم منذ بداية توليه لمنصبه, حيث قام على الفور بالقاء القبض واعدام حزيقياس اللذي كان يتزعم عصابه من قاطعي الطرق اللذين ارهبوا السكان فترةً من الزمن, فانتشر الخبر وعلم الجميع بجرأة وعنفوان هذا الحاكم الشاب, لم يرضى اليهود المتنفذين عن تعيين هيرود واخيه كحكام, بل حاولوا التفرقه بين الكاهن الاعلى يهوحنن الثاني وبين انتيباتر , وطالبوا بمحاكمة هيرود لقتله يهودياً امام المجلس اليهودي( سانهيدرين) , لبى هيرود الطلب وجاء امام المجلس ولكن لم يكن لوحده , بل جاء مع قواته مما فاجاء اعضاء المجلس ارعبهم, اعفي عنه من جميع التهم بقوة السلاح, ولمعرفة المجلس بالود اللذي يكنه الكاهن الاعلى والحاكم الروماني لسوريا سيكتس قيصر لهيرود.

هيرود العظيم
Herod (Hebrew: Hordos, Greekنقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة, also known as Herod the Great (born 73 or 74 BCE, died 4 BCE in Jericho[1]), was a Roman client king of Judea. His epithet of "the Great" is widely disputed as he is described as "a madman who murdered his own family and a great many rabbis."[ He is also known for his colossal building projects in Jerusalem and elsewhere, and the construction of the port at Caesarea Maritima. Important details of his biography are gleaned from the works of the 1st century CE historian Josephus Flavius.
The Romans made Herod's son Herod Archelaus ethnarch of Judea, Samaria, and Idumea (biblical Edom) from 4 BCE to 6 CE, referred to as the tetrarchy of Judea. Archelaus was judged incompetent by the Roman emperor Augustus who then combined Samaria, Judea proper and Idumea into Iudaea province[8] under rule of a prefect until 41. Herod's other son Herod Antipas was tetrarch of Galilee from 4 BCE – 39 CE.

Copper coin of Herod, bearing the legend "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΗΡΩΔΟΥ" ("Basileōs Hērōdou") on the obverse
Herod was born around 74 BCE in the south (Idumea was the most southern region). He was the second son of Antipater the Idumaean, a high-ranked official under Ethnarch Hyrcanus II, and Cypros, a Nabatean.
A loyal supporter of Hyrcanus II, Antipater appointed Herod governor of Galilee at 25, and his elder brother, Phasael, governor of Jerusalem. He enjoyed the backing of Rome but his brutality was condemned by the Sanhedrin.
In 43 BCE, following the chaos caused by Antipater offering financial support to Caesar's murderers, Antipater was poisoned. Herod, backed by the Roman Army, executed his father's murderer. After the battle of Philippi towards the end of 42 BCE, he convinced Mark Antony and Octavian that his father had been forced to help Caesar's murderers. After Antony marched into Asia, Herod was named tetrarch of Galilee by the Romans.
Two years later Antigonus, Hyrcanus' nephew, took the throne from his uncle with the help of the Parthians. Herod fled to Rome to plead with the Romans to restore him to power. There he was elected "King of the Jews" by the Roman Senate.[13] Josephus puts this in the year of the consulship of Calvinus and Pollio (40 BCE), but Appian places it in 39 BCE.[10] Herod went back to Judea to win his kingdom from Antigonus and at the same time he married the teenage niece of Antigonus, Mariamne (known as Mariamne I), in an attempt to secure a claim to the throne and gain some Jewish favor. However, Herod already had a wife, Doris, and a three-year-old son, Antipater, and chose therefore to banish Doris and her child.
Three years later, Herod and the Romans finally captured Jerusalem and executed Antigonus. Herod took the role as sole ruler of Judea and the title of basileus (Gr. Βασιλευς, king) for himself, ushering in the Herodian Dynasty and ending the Hasmonean Dynasty. Josephus reports this as being in the year of the consulship of Agrippa and Gallus (37 BCE), but also says that it was exactly 27 years after Jerusalem fell to Pompey, which would indicate 36 BCE. (Cassius Dio also reports that in 37 "the Romans accomplished nothing worthy of note" in the area.[14]) According to Josephus, he ruled for 37 years, 34 years of them after capturing Jerusalem.
As Herod's family had converted to Judaism, his religious commitment had come into question by some elements of Jewish society.[15] When John Hyrcanus conquered the region of Idumaea (the Edom of the Hebrew Bible) in 140–130 BCE, he required all Idumaeans to obey Jewish law or to leave; most Idumaeans thus converted to Judaism, which meant that they had to be circumcised.[16] While King Herod publicly identified himself as a Jew and was considered as such by some,[17] this religious identification was undermined by the decadent lifestyle of the Herodians, which would have earned them the antipathy of observant Jews.[18]
Herod later executed several members of his own family, including his wife Mariamne

During nearly his whole reign, Herod faced trouble within his own family. As early as 29 B.C.E. he had killed his wife, Mariamne, out of jealousy. As the years went by, the whole matter was further complicated by the question of who would replace him on the throne. Like many people with a strong will to power, Herod could not face the idea of losing it. Three of Herod's sons were put to death, and his brother "escaped death only by dying." When Herod finally did die in 4 B.C.E. , two other sons had some claim to the throne. Augustus finally settled the matter by splitting the inheritance between these two sons and a third one, and not allowing the title of king to any of them.

هناك من لا يتفق على تسميته بالعظيم ويعتبره البعض مجنون قتل زوجته وابناؤه. لا يعرف شيء عن امه ويبدو ان ارسل في وقت مبكر الى روما ليتعلم هناك وهناك من يقول بأنه عين حاكم على الجليل وهو في سن الخامسة عشره وآخرون يقولون انه كان في سن الخامسة والعشرين. قتل والده وهو في سن الـ 30 وانتقم له.

مجهول الطفولة.