قديم 02-24-2012, 11:50 PM
المشاركة 161
ايوب صابر
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  • غير موجود

91- تيجرانيس العظيم
Tigranes the Great (Armenian: ՏիգրանՄեծ; EA: Tigran Mets, WA: Tigran Medz, Greek: ΤιγράνηςΜέγας) (140–55 BC; also called Tigranes II and sometimes Tigranes I) was emperor of Armenia under whom the country became, for a short time, the strongest state east of the Roman Republic.[1] He was a member of the Artaxiad Royal House. Under his reign, the Armenian kingdom expanded beyond its traditional boundaries, allowing Tigranes to claim the title Great King, and involving Armenia in many battles against opponents such as the Parthian and Seleucid empires, and the Roman Republic.
Early years

Tigranes had been a hostage until the age of 40 at the court of King Mithradates II of Parthia who defeated the Armenians in 105 BCE. Other sources give the date as much earlier, at around 112–111 BCE.[2] After the death of King Tigranes I in 95 BCE, Tigranes bought his freedom, according to Strabo, by handing over "seventy valleys" in Atropatene to the Parthians.[3]
When he came to power, the foundation upon which Tigranes was to build his Empire was already in place, a legacy of the founder of the Artaxiad Dynasty, Artaxias I, and subsequent kings. The mountains of Armenia, however, formed natural borders between the different regions of the country and as a result, the feudalistic nakharars had significant influence over the regions or provinces in which they were based. This did not suit Tigranes, who wanted to create a centralist empire. He thus proceeded by consolidating his power within Armenia before embarking on his campaign.[4]
He deposed Artanes, the last king of Armenian Sophene and a descendant of Zariadres.[3]
Alliance with Pontus

During the First Mithridatic War (90–85 BCE), Tigranes supported Mithridates VI of Pontus but was careful not to become directly involved in the war.
He rapidly built up his power, allying with Mithridates VI of Pontus and marrying his daughter Cleopatra. Tigranes had agreed that he was to extend his influence in the East, while Mithridates was to conquer Roman land in Anatolia and in Europe. By creating a stronger Hellenistic state, Mithridates was to contend with the well-established Roman foothold in Europe.[4] Mithridates then put into effect a planned a general attack on Roman and Italians in Anatolia, tapping into local discontent with the Romans and their taxes and urging the peoples of Anatolia against all foreign influence. 80,000 people were slaughtered in the province of Asia Minor, known as the Asiatic Vespers. The two kings' attempts to control Cappadocia and then the massacres resulted in guaranteed Roman intervention. The senate decided on Lucius Cornelius Sulla, who was then one of the current consuls, to be commander of the army against Mithridates.[5]
Wars against the Parthians and Seleucids

After the death of Mithridates II of Parthia in 88 BCE, Tigranes took advantage of the fact that the Parthian Empire had been weakened by Scythian invasions and internal squabbling:
When he acquired power, he recovered these (seventy) valleys, and devastated the country of the Parthians, the territory about Ninus (Nineveh), and that about Arbela. He subjected to his authority the Atropatenians , and the Goryaeans (on the Upper Tigris); by force of arms he obtained possession also of the rest of Mesopotamia and, after crossing the Euphrates, of Syria and Phoenicea.[6]
In 83 BC, after a bloody strife for the throne of Syria, governed by the Seleucids, the Syrians decided to choose Tigranes as the protector of their kingdom and offered him the crown of Syria.[2] Magadates was appointed as his governor in Antioch.[7] He then conquered Phoenicia and Cilicia, effectively putting an end to the last remnants of the Seleucid Empire, though a few holdout cities appear to have recognized the shadowy boy-king Seleucus VII Philometor as the legitimate king during his reign. The southern border of his domain reached as far as Ptolemais (modern Akko). Many of the inhabitants of conquered cities were sent to his new metropolis of Tigranakert (Latin name, Tigranocerta).
At its height, his empire extended from the Pontic Alps (in modern north-eastern Turkey) to Mesopotamia, and from the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean. Tigranes apparently invaded territories as far away as Ecbatana and took the title king of kings which, at the time, according to their coins, even the Parthian kings did not assume. He was called "Tigranes the Great" by many Western historians and writers, such as Plutarch. The "King of Kings" never appeared in public without having four kings attending him. Cicero, referring to his success in the east, said that he "made the Republic of Rome tremble before the prowess of his arms." [8]
Tigranes' coin consist of tetradrachms and copper coins having on the obverse his portrait wearing a decorated Armenian tiara with ear-flaps. The reverse has a completely original design. There are the seated Tyche of Antioch and the river god Orontes at her feet.
قضى اول اربعين عام من عمره رهينة.لا يعرف شيء عن والديه.


قديم 02-24-2012, 11:51 PM
المشاركة 162
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
92- تيريديتس الثالث

Tiridates III (spelled Trdat; Armenian: ՏրդատԳ; 250-330) was the king of Arsacid Armenia (285-339), and is also known as Tiridates the Great ՏրդատՄեծ; some scholars incorrectly refer to him as Tiridates IV as a result of the fact that Tiridates I of Armenia reigned twice). In 301, Tiridates proclaimed Christianity as the state religion of Armenia, making the Armenian kingdom the first state to officially embrace Christianity.[1] He is recognized as a saint by the Armenian Apostolic Church.

Early Childhood

Tiridates III was the son of Khosrov II of Armenia by an unnamed mother, the latter being assassinated in 252 by a Parthian agent named Anak under orders from Ardashir I. Tiridates had one known sibling, a sister called Khosrovidukht. Anak was captured and executed along with most of his family, while two of his sons, one of whom was Gregory the Illuminator, were sheltered in Caesaria, in Cappadocia. Being the only surviving heir to the throne, Tiridates was quickly taken away to Rome soon after his father’s assassination while still an infant. He was educated in Rome and was skilled in languages and military tactics[2][3]; in addition he firmly understood and appreciated Roman law. The Armenian historian Movses Khorenatsi described him as a brave and strong warrior who participated in the battles against enemies. He personally led his army to victories in many battles.

يتيم الام في الثانية ويتيم الاب وهو صغير.

يتيم في سن الـ 2

قديم 02-25-2012, 05:49 PM
المشاركة 163
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
93- عمر بن الخطاب

أبو حفص عمر بن الخطاب ( رضي الله عنه) (40 ق.هـ / 584م - 23 هـ / 644 م) الملقب بـ "الفاروق". ثاني الخلفاء الراشدين ومن أكابر أصحاب الرسول محمد.
هو أحد العشرة المبشرين بالجنة، ومن علماء الصحابة وزهّادهم. يعد أوّل من عمل بالتقويم الهجري. في عهده فتحت بقية العراق وشرقه ومصر وليبيا والشام وفلسطين وفارس وخرسان وشرق الأناضول وجنوب أرمينيا وسجستان (أفغانستان الآن)، وصارت القدس تحت ظل الدولة الإسلامية والمسجد الأقصى ثالث الحرمين الشريفين تحت حكم المسلمين لأول مرة. وفي عهده قضى على إحدى أكبر قوتين في زمانه وهي الدولة الفارسية الساسانية، وأنهى الوجود البيزنطي في مصر والشام.


هو عمر بن الخطاب بن نفيل بن عبد العزى بن رياح بن عبد الله بن قرط بن رزاح بن عدي بن كعب بن لؤي [1] بن غالب [2] بن فهر بن مالك بن النضر بن كنانة بن خزيمة بن مدركة بن إلياس بن مضر بن نزار بن معد بن عدنان. ويجتمع نسب عمر بن الخطاب بالرسول محمد في كعب بن لؤي.
أمه حنتمة بنت هشام بن المغيرة بن عبد الله بن عمر بن مخزوم بن يقظة بن كلاب بن مرة بن كعب بن لؤي بن غالب بن فهر بن مالك بن النضر بن كنانة بن خزيمة بن مدركة بن إلياس بن مضر بن نزار بن معد بن عدنان. وهي ابنة عمّ كلٍ من أم المؤمنين أم سلمة والصحابي خالد بن الوليد. كما تعتبر أمه ابنة عم أبو جهل[3].يجتمع نسبها مع النبي محمد بن عبد الله في كلاب بن مرة[2].
وهو أبن عمّ زيد بن عمرو بن نفيل الموحد على دين إبراهيم.
وأخوه الصحابي زيد بن الخطاب والذي كان قد سبق عمر إلى الإسلام.
اللقب والكنية

لقبه "الفاروق" وكنيته "أبو حفص"، أما كنيته، فقد قيل أن الرسول محمد كنّاه بذلك يوم بدر[4]. [5] ويرجع سبب إطلاق المسلمين السنة لقب "الفاروق" على عمر ابن الخطاب، لأنه حسب الروايات أنه أظهر الإسلام في مكة المكرمة وفرق بين الحق والباطل. وكان الناس يهابونه، فعندما آمن وجاء إلى الرسول في دار الارقم بن ابي الارقم قال له: «ألسنا علي حق؟» قال: «بلى» قال: «والذي بعثك بالحق لنخرجن». وخرج المسلمون في صفين صف يتقدمه حمزة وصف يتقدمه عمر فيعتبرون أن فرق الله به بين الكفر والإيمان [6]
وقيل أول من سماه بذلك النبي محمد. فقد روى ابن عساكر في تاريخ دمشق وأبو نعيم في حلية الأولياء عن ابن عباس أنه قال:
« سألت عمر رضي الله تعالى عنه لأي شيء سميت الفاروق؟ قال: أسلم حمزة قبلي بثلاثة أيام، ثم شرح الله صدري للإسلام، فقلت: الله لا إله إلا هو له الأسماء الحسنى، فما في الأرض نسمة أحب إلي من نسمة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، قلت: أين رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم " ؟ قالت أختي: هو في دار الأرقم بن الأرقم عند الصفا، فأتيت الدار وحمزة في أصحابه جلوس في الدار، ورسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في البيت، فضربت الباب فاستجمع القوم، فقال لهم حمزة: مالكم؟ قالوا: عمر، قال: فخرج رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فأخذ بمجامع ثيابه ثم نثره فما تمالك أن وقع على ركبته، فقال: ما أنت بمنته يا عمر؟ قال: فقلت: أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لاشريك له، وأشهد أن محمداً عبده ورسوله. قال: فكبر أهل الدار تكبيرة سمعها اهل المسجد، قال: فقلت: يا رسول الله ألسنا على الحق إن متنا وإن حيينا؟ قال: بلى، والذي نفسي بيده إنكم على الحق إن متم وإن حييتم، قال: فقلت: ففيم الاختفاء؟ والذي بعثك بالحق لتخرجن، فاخرجناه في صفين حمزة في أحدهما، وأنا في الآخر، له كديد ككديد الطحين حتى دخلنا المسجد، قال: فنظرت إلى قريش وإلى حمزة فأصابتهم كآبة لم يصبهم مثلها فسماني رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يومئذ الفاروق. وفرق الله بين الحق والباطل.[7][8] »
وروى الطبري في تاريخه، وابن أبي شيبة في تاريخ المدينة وابن سعد وابن الأثير في أسد الغابة في معرفة الصحابة عن أبي عمرو ذكوان قال:
« "قلت لعائشة: من سمى عمر الفاروق؟ قالت: النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم" [9][10][11]. »
وروى ابن عساكر في تاريخ دمشق والمتقي الهندي في كنز العمال عن النزال بن سبرة قال:
«وافقنا من علي يوماً أطيب نفساً ومزاجاً فقلنا يا أمير المؤمنين حدثنا عن عمر بن الخطاب قال: "ذاك امرؤ سماه الله الفاروق فرق به بين الحق والباطل".
وقيل سماه به أهل الكتاب. قال ابن سعد في الطبقات الكبرى:
« قال ابن شهاب: "بلغنا أن أهل الكتاب كانوا أول من قال لعمر الفاروق، وكان المسلمون يأثرون ذلك من قولهم، ولم يبلغنا أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ذكرمن ذلك شيئاً ولم يبلغنا" [15].»
وقيل سماه به جبريل عليه السلام. رواه البغوي.[
أما الشيعة فيرون أن من لقب بـ "الفاروق" من قبل النبي محمد هو علي بن أبي طالب.[18]

المولد والنشأة

ولد بعد عام الفيل وبعد مولد الرسول بثلاث عشرة سنة[ وكان منزل عمر في الجاهلية في أصل الجبل الذي يقال له اليوم جبل عمر، وكان اسم الجبل في الجاهلية العاقر وبه منازل بني عدي بن كعب، نشأ في قريش وامتاز عن معظمهم بتعلم القراءة. عمل راعياً للإبل وهو صغير وكان والده غليظاً في معاملته[. ان يرعى لوالده ولخالات له من بني مخزوم. وتعلم المصارعة وركوب الخيل والفروسية، والشعر. وكان يحضر أسواق العرب وسوق عكاظ ومجنة وذي المجاز، فتعلم بها التجارة[21]، وأصبح يشتغل بالتجارة، فربح منها وأصبح من أغنياء مكة، ورحل صيفاً إلى بلاد الشام وإلى اليمن في الشتاء، واشتهر بالعدل [22]، وكان عمر من أشراف قريش، وإليه كانت السفارة فهو سفير قريش، فإن وقعت حرب بين قريش وغيرهم بعثوه سفيراً،وإن نافرهم منافر أو فاخرهم مفاخر، رضوا به، بعثوه منافراً ومفاخراً

- عاش طفولة صعبة في رعي الجمال ، وكان ابوه قاسيا لكن لا يعرف تفاصيل عن طفولته.

مجهول الطفولة

قديم 02-25-2012, 05:53 PM
المشاركة 164
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
94- فلدامير الاول

Valdemar I of Denmark (14 January 1131 – 12 May 1182), also known as Valdemar the Great, was King of Denmark from 1157 until his death in 1182.

He was the son of Canute Lavard, a chivalrous and popular Danish prince, who was the eldest son of Eric I of Denmark. Valdemar's father was murdered by Magnus the Strong days before the birth of Valdemar; his mother, Ingeborg of Kiev, daughter of Mstislav I of Kiev and Christina Ingesdotter of Sweden, named him after her grandfather, Vladimir Monomakh of Kiev.
As an heir to the throne, and with his rivals quickly gaining power, he was raised in the court of Asser Rig of Fjenneslev, together with Asser's sons, Absalon and Esbern Snare, who would become his trusted friends and ministers.
In 1146, when Valdemar was fifteen years old, King Erik III Lamb abdicated and a civil war erupted. The pretenders to the throne were: Sweyn III Grathe, son of Eric II Emune, son of Eric I. Canute V, son of Magnus the Strong who was the son of King Niels, who was the brother of Erik I. Valdemar himself held Jutland, at least Schleswig, as his possession. The civil war lasted the better part of ten years.
In 1157, the three agreed to part the country in three among themselves. Sweyn hosted a great banquet for Canute, Absalon, and Valdemar during which he planned to dispose of all of them. Canute was killed, but Absalon and Valdemar escaped. Valdemar returned to Jutland. Sweyn quickly launched an invasion, only to be defeated by Valdemar in the Battle of Grathe Heath. He was killed during flight, supposedly by a group of peasants who stumbled upon him as he was fleeing from the battlefield. Valdemar, having outlived all his rival pretenders, became the sole King of Denmark.

In 1158 Absalon was elected Bishop of Roskilde, and Valdemar made him his chief friend and advisor. He reorganized and rebuilt war-torn Denmark. At Absalon's instigation he declared war upon the Wends who were raiding the Danish coasts. They inhabited Pomerania and the island of Rügen in the Baltic Sea. In 1168 the Wendish capital, Arkona, was taken, and the Wends became Christians and subject to Danish suzerainty. Danish influence reached into Pomerania.
Valdemar's reign saw the rise of Denmark, which reached its zenith under his second son Valdemar II.
يتيم الاب قبل الولادة

قديم 02-26-2012, 04:01 PM
المشاركة 165
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  • غير موجود
95- فلنتينيا الاول

Valentinian I (364-375), Roman Emperor
Valentinian I (Latin: Flavius Valentinianus Augustus;[1] 321 – 17 November 375), also known as Valentinian the Great, was Roman emperor from 364 to 375. Upon becoming emperor he made his brother Valens his co-emperor, giving him rule of the eastern provinces while Valentinian retained the west.
During his reign, Valentinian fought successfully against the Alamanni, Quadi, and Sarmatians. Most notable was his victory over the Alamanni in 367 at the Battle of Solicinium. His brilliant general Count Theodosius defeated a revolt in Africa and the Great Conspiracy, a coordinated assault on Britain by Picts, Scots, and Saxons. Valentinian was also the last emperor to conduct campaigns across both the Rhine and Danube rivers. Valentinian rebuilt and improved the fortifications along the frontiers – even building fortresses in enemy territory.
Due to the successful nature of his reign and almost immediate decline of the empire after his death, he is often considered the "last great western emperor". He founded the Valentinian Dynasty, with his sons Gratian and Valentinian II succeeding him in the western half of the empire.

Early life
Valentinian was born in 321 at Cibalae in southern Pannonia (now Vinkovci in Croatia). Valentinian and his younger brother Valens were the sons of Gratianus Major, a prominent commander during the reigns of emperors Constantine I and Constans I.[8] He and his brother grew up on the family estate where they were educated in a variety of subjects, including painting and sculpting.[9]
Gratianus was promoted to Comes Africae in the late 320's or early 330's, and the young Valentinian accompanied his father to Africa.[10] However, Gratianus was soon accused of embezzlement and was forced to retire.[10] Valentinian joined the army in the late 330's and later probably acquired the position of protector domesticus.[10] Gratianus was later recalled during the early 340s and was made comes of Britannia.[10] After holding this post, Gratianus retired to the family estate in Cibalae.[11]
In 350, Constans I was assassinated by agents of the usurper Magnentius, a commander in Gaul proclaimed emperor by his soldiers.[12] Constantius II, older brother of Constans and emperor in the East, promptly set forth towards Magnentius with a large army.[13] The following year the two emperors met in Pannonia. The ensuing Battle of Mursa Major resulted in a costly victory for Constantius.[14] Two years later he defeated Magnentius again in southern Gaul at the Battle of Mons Seleucus.[15] Magnentius, now realizing the futility of continuing his revolt, committed suicide in August that year; making Constantius sole ruler of the empire.[16] It was around this time that Constantius confiscated Gratianus' property, for supposedly showing hospitality to Magnentius when he was in Pannonia.[11] Despite his father's fall from favor, Valentinian does not seem to have been adversely affected at this time, making it unlikely he ever fought for the usurper.[17] It is known that Valentinian was in the region during the conflict, but what involvement he had in the war, if any, is unknown.

مجهول الطفولة

قديم 02-26-2012, 04:01 PM
المشاركة 166
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  • غير موجود
96- فلدمير الاول

· Vladimir I of Kiev (c. 958-1015), ruler of Kievan Rus
Vladimir Sviatoslavich the Great (Old East Slavic: Володимѣръ Свѧтославичь Old Norse as Valdamarr Sveinaldsson, Russian: Влади́мир, Vladimir, Ukrainian: Володимир, Volodymyr,[2]; c. 958 near Pskov – 15 July 1015, Berestovo) was a grand prince of Kiev, ruler of Kievan Rus' in (980–1015).[3][4]
Vladimir's father was the prince Sviatoslav of the Rurik dynasty.[5] After the death of his father in 972,
Vladimir, who was then prince of Novgorod, was forced to flee to Scandinavia in 976 after his brother Yaropolk had murdered his other brother Oleg and conquered Rus. In Sweden with the help from his relative Ladejarl Håkon Sigurdsson, ruler of Norway, assembled a Varangian army and reconquered Novgorod from Yaropolk.[6] By 980 Vladimir had consolidated the Kievan realm from modern day Ukraine to the Baltic Sea and had solidified the frontiers against incursions of Bulgarian, Baltic, and Eastern nomads. Originally a pagan, Vladimir converted to Christianity in 988,[7][8][9] and proceeded to baptise all of Kievan Rus'.[10]
Way to the throne
Vladimir, born in 958, was the natural son and youngest son of Sviatoslav I of Kiev by his housekeeper Malusha. Malusha is described in the Norse sagas as a prophetess who lived to the age of 100 and was brought from her cave to the palace to predict the future. Malusha's brother Dobrynya was Vladimir's tutor and most trusted advisor. Hagiographic tradition of dubious authenticity also connects his childhood with the name of his grandmother, Olga Prekrasa, who was Christian and governed the capital during Sviatoslav's frequent military campaigns.
Transferring his capital to Pereyaslavets in 969, Sviatoslav designated Vladimir ruler of Novgorod the Great but gave Kiev to his legitimate son Yaropolk. After Sviatoslav's death (972), a fratricidal war erupted (976) between Yaropolk and his younger brother Oleg, ruler of the Drevlians. In 977 Vladimir fled to his kinsman Haakon Sigurdsson, ruler of Norway, collecting as many of the Norse warriors as he could to assist him to recover Novgorod, and on his return the next year marched against Yaropolk.
On his way to Kiev he sent ambassadors to Rogvolod (Norse: Ragnvald), prince of Polotsk, to sue for the hand of his daughter Rogneda (Norse: Ragnhild). The high-born princess refused to affiance herself to the son of a bondswoman, but Vladimir attacked Polotsk, slew Rogvolod, and took Ragnhild by force. Polotsk was a key fortress on the way to Kiev, and the capture of Polotsk and Smolensk facilitated the taking of Kiev (978), where he slew Yaropolk by treachery, and was proclaimed knyaz of all Kievan Rus.

مات أبوه وعمره 14 عام.
يتيم الأب في سن الـ 14

قديم 02-27-2012, 01:17 PM
المشاركة 167
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
97- فياتوتس
· Vytautas (c. 1350-1430), archduke of the Lithuanian Grand Duchy

Vytautas (Lithuanian: Vytautas Didysis (help·info), Belarusian: Вітаўт, Polish: Witold Kiejstutowicz, Rusyn: Vitovt, Latin: Alexander Vitoldus, Italian: Vito il Grande); styled "the Great" from the 15th century onwards; c. 1350 – October 27, 1430) was one of the most famous rulers of medieval Lithuania. Vytautas was the ruler (1392–1430) of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania which chiefly encompassed the Lithuanians and Ruthenians. He was also the Prince of Hrodna (1370–1382) and the Prince of Lutsk (1387–1389), postulated king of Hussites.

In modern Lithuania, Vytautas is revered as a national hero and was an important figure in the national rebirth in the 19th century. Vytautas is a popular male given name in Lithuania. In commemoration of 500 years of Vytautas' death Vytautas Magnus University was named after him. Monuments in his honour were built in many towns in the independent Republic of Lithuania during the interwar period, 1918–1939.


Vytautas the Great, Lithuanian Vytautus Didysis, Polish Witold Wielki (born 1350, Lithuania—died Oct. 27, 1430, Trakai, Lith.), Lithuanian national leader who consolidated his country’s possessions, helped to build up a national consciousness, and broke the power of the Teutonic Knights. He exercised great power over Poland.
Vytautas was the son of Kęstutis, who for years had waged a struggle with his brother Algirdas for control of Lithuania.
The conflict between the two branches of the family continued into the next generation, as Vytautas vied with Algirdas’ son Jogaila. Both Vytautas and his father were captured by Jogaila in 1382 and Kęstutis was murdered while a prisoner.
Vytautas, however, escaped and two years later was able to make peace with Jogaila, who returned to Vytautas the family lands seized earlier. In an effort to consolidate his position and widen his power, Jogaila married the 12-year-old Polish queen Jadwiga and was crowned king of Poland in Kraków on Feb. 15, 1386, as Władysław II Jagiełło.
Vytautas then waged an intermittent struggle for power with Jogaila and on occasion sought further assistance from the Teutonic Order. Vytautas’ popularity grew until his cousin was forced to adopt a conciliatory position. Jogaila offered to make Vytautas his vice regent over all of Lithuania. The offer was accepted, and in August 1392 a formal compact was signed. As time was to show, Vytautas by this act became supreme ruler of Lithuania in fact if not in law.
Vytautas began his rule by subduing and banishing rebellious and ineffective nobles and trying to conquer the Mongols in the east. His forces, however, were defeated by the Mongols in the Battle of the Vorskla River in present-day Russia on Aug. 12, 1399 (see Vorskla River, Battle of the).
In this same period, union between Poland and Lithuania was proclaimed in a treaty concluded at Vilnius in January 1401. Under the terms of the treaty, the Lithuanian boyars promised that in the event of Vytautas’ death they would recognize Jogaila as grand prince of Lithuania, and the Polish nobility agreed that if Jogaila died they would not elect a new king without consulting Vytautas.
Vytautas and Jogaila then turned their attention westward, and there followed a series of wars with the Teutonic Order, which recognized Švitrigaila (Swidrygiełło), a brother of Jogaila, as grand prince of Lithuania. Vytautas was able to drive Svidrigaila out of the country, but the Teutonic Order was able to retain control of a portion of Lithuania. Early in 1409 Vytautas concluded a treaty with Jogaila for a combined attack on the Order, and on June 24, 1410, the Polish-Lithuanian forces crossed the Prussian frontier. In the Battle of Grunwald (Tannenberg) on July 15, 1410, the Teutonic Knights suffered a blow from which they never recovered. German supremacy in the Baltic area was broken and Poland-Lithuania began to be regarded in the West as a great power.
In 1429 Vytautas revived his claim to the Lithuanian crown, and Jogaila reluctantly consented to his cousin’s coronation as king, but before the ceremony could take place Vytautas died

عاش حياة صراع على السلطة بين والده وعمه . امه ماتت بشكل غامض في نفس العام الذي قتل فيه اباه بعد ان تم حبسه من قبل اخاه كنتيجة لذلك الصراع.


قديم 02-27-2012, 01:19 PM
المشاركة 168
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
98- وليم الاول

· William I, Count of Burgundy (1020–1087), Count of Burgandy and Mâcon
William I (1020 – 12 November 1087), called the Great (le Grand or Tête Hardie, "the Rash"), was Count of Burgundy from 1057 to 1087 and Mâcon from 1078 to 1087. He was a son of Renaud I and Alice of Normandy, daughter of Richard II, Duke of Normandy.
William was the father of several notable children, including Pope Callixtus II.
In 1057, he succeeded his father and reigned over a territory larger than that of the Franche-Comté itself. In 1087, he died in Besançon and was buried there in the cathedral of St John.
William married a woman named Stephanie.[1]

Alice (or Adeliza, Adelaide or Aelis) was born circa 1002 and died around 1038,

يتيم الام في سن الـ 18

قديم 02-27-2012, 01:43 PM
المشاركة 169
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
99 – وليم الخامس

· William V, Duke of Aquitaine (969-1030), also Count of Poitou
William V (969 – 31 January 1030), called the Great (le Grand), was Duke of Aquitaine and Count of Poitou (as William II or III) from 990 until his death. He was the son and successor of William IV by his wife Emma of Blois, daughter of Theobald I of Blois. He seems to have taken after his formidable mother, who ruled Aquitaine as regent until 1004. He was a friend to Bishop Fulbert of Chartres, who found in him another Maecenas, and founded a cathedral school at Poitiers. He himself was very well educated, a collector of books, and turned the prosperous court of Aquitaine into the learning centre of Southern France.
ابن الزوجة الاخيرة لوالده الذي يبدو انه كان يعيش حياة صاخبة. تولى الحكم في سن الحادي والعشرين عندما اعتزل والده الى دير لكن والدته كانت وصية على العرش حتى العام 1004. كان فاشل كزيعم لكنه كان مثقفا ويحب العلم والتعليم.
يتيم اجتماعي.

قديم 02-27-2012, 03:59 PM
المشاركة 170
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
100 – يو العظيم

· Yu the Great (c. 2200-2100 BC), legendary ruler in ancient China

Yu the Great (Chinese:pinyin: c. 2200 - 2100 BC), was a legendary ruler in ancient China famed for his introduction of flood control, inaugurating dynastic rule in China by founding the Xia Dynasty, and for his upright moral character.
Few, if any, records exist from the period of Chinese history when Yu reigned. Because of this, the vast majority of information about his life and reign comes from collected pieces of oral tradition and stories that were passed down in various areas of China, many of which were collected in Sima Qian's famous Records of the Grand Historian. Yu and other "sage-kings" of Ancient China were lauded by Confucius and other Chinese teachers, who praised their virtues and morals.[4]
Yu is one of the few Chinese rulers posthumously honored with the appellation "the Great".

Ancestry and early life
According to several ancient Chinese records, Yu was the 8th great-grandson of the Yellow Emperor: Yu's father Gun was the 5th great-grandson of King Zhuanxu; Zhuanxu's father Changyi was the second son of the Yellow Emperor. Yu was said to be born at Mount Wen (Chinese: 汶山), in modern day Beichuan County, Sichuan Province, though there are debates as to whether he was born in Shifang instead.[10] Yu's mother was a woman of the Youxin clan named either Nüzhi (Chinese: 女志) or Nüxi (Chinese: 女嬉).
As a child, Yu's father Gun moved the people east toward the Chinese heartland. King Yao enfeoffed Gun as lord of Chong, usually identified as the middle peak of Mount Song. Yu is thus believed to have grown up on the slopes of Mount Song, just south of the Yellow River. He later married a woman from Mount Tu (Chinese: 塗山) who is generally referred to as Tushan-shi (Chinese: 塗山氏; literally "Lady Tushan").[12] They had a son named Qi, a name literally meaning "revelation".[12]
The Nine Provinces
King Shun, who reigned after his father Yao, was so impressed by Yu's engineering work and diligence that he passed the throne to Yu instead of to his own son. Yu is said to have initially declined the throne, but was so popular with other local lords and chiefs that he agreed to become the new emperor, at the age of 53. He established a capital at Anyi (Chinese: 安邑) - the ruins of which are in modern Xia County, in southern Shanxi Province - and founded what would be called the Xia Dynasty, traditionally considered China's first dynasty.[17]
Yu's flood control work is said to have made him intimately familiar with all regions of what was then Han Chinese territory. According to the Book of History, Yu divided the Chinese "world" into nine zhou or provinces. These were Jizhou, Yanzhou, Qingzhou), Xuzhou), Yangzhou), Jingzhou (), Yuzhou), Liangzhou and Yongzhou .
According to the Bamboo Annals, Yu ruled the Xia Dynasty for 45 years; and, according to Yue Jueshu , he died from an illness.It is said that he died at Kuaiji Mountain , south of present day Shaoxing, while on a hunting tour to the eastern frontier of his empire, and was buried there. The Yu mausoleum known today was first built in the 6th century CE during the Southern dynasty in his honor. It is located four kilometers southeast of Shaoxing city.[24] Most of the structure was rebuilt many times in later periods. The three main parts of the mausoleum are the Yu tomb , temple and memorial In many statues he is seen carrying an ancient plow . A number of emperors in imperial times have travelled there to perform ceremonies in his honor, notably Qin Shi Huang.[23

مجهول الطفولة.

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الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 4 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 4)

الانتقال السريع

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الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
ما هو أعظم اختراع عرفناه؟! ياسَمِين الْحُمود منبر النصوص الفلسفية والمقالة الأدبية 3 03-24-2021 03:48 AM
أعظم نِعَمِ الله عزوجل على المؤمن د محمد رأفت عثمان منبر الحوارات الثقافية العامة 2 07-06-2016 06:24 PM
اعظم 100 كتاب في التاريخ: ما سر هذه العظمة؟- دراسة بحثية ايوب صابر منبر الدراسات الأدبية والنقدية والبلاغية . 413 12-09-2015 01:15 PM
أعظم عملية مخابرات فى تاريخ الإسلام محمد جاد الزغبي منبر الحوارات الثقافية العامة 4 03-10-2014 06:17 AM
ما أعظم الإنسان..! أحمد الورّاق منبر الحوارات الثقافية العامة 6 05-09-2013 02:39 PM

الساعة الآن 09:20 AM

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