قديم 09-12-2012, 10:47 AM
المشاركة 11
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
Samuel Johnson
- Samuel Johnson is regarded as one of the biggest literary influences of all time. He was a biographer, critic, and essayist. Johnson is the highest quoted author since William Shakespeare and was one of the most influential people in the 18th century. The man invented and compiled terms for what many consider the first official dictionary.
النشأة المشوهة</SPAN>

لقد كان نسيج وحده، ومع ذلك كان نموذجياً، فهو يختلف عن أي إنجليزي في زمانه، ومع ذلك فهو خلاصة لجون بول جسداً وروحاً، يبزه معاصروه في جميع الميادين الأدبية (خلا تصنيف المعاجم) ومع ذلك فهو يسود عليهم جيلاً بأسره، ويملك عليهم دون أن يرفع شيئاً إلا صوته.
ولنلم الآن إلمامة سريعة بالضربات التي طرقته لتشكل طابعه الفريد. فلقد كان أول طفل ولد لمايكل جونسن، الكتبي، والطباع، وتاجر الأدوات الكتابية في لتشفيلد، على 118 ميلاً من لندن. أما أمه فترقى أرومتها إلى قوم بهم إثارة من نبالة. كانت تبلغ السابعة والثلاثين حين تزوجت في 1706 مايكل البالغ من العمر خمسين عاماً.
وكان صموئيل غلاماً، بلغ من ضعفه حين ولد أنه عمد للتو مخافة أن يكون مأواه الأبدي-إن مات بغير عماد-في الأعراف، مدخل الجحيم الكئيب. وسرعان ما بدت عليه إمارات "داء الملك" (الخنازيري). فلما أن بلغ ثلاثين شهراً أخذته أمه رغم أنها حامل في ولدها الثاني في الرحلة الطويلة إلى لندن لكي "تلمسه الملكة ليبرأ من الخنازيري" وصنعت الملكة قصارها ولكن المرض كلف جونسن الاكتفاء بعين واحدة وأذن واحدة، وشارك غيره من البلايا في تشويه وجهه(1).
على أنه اشتد رغم ذلك عضلاً وهيكلاً، ودعمت قوته كما دعمت ضخامته تلك النزعة الاستبدادية التي أحالت جمهورية الأدب إلى ملكية كما شكا جولدسمث. وقد ذهب صموئيل إلى أنه ورث عن أبيه "ذلك المزاج السوداوي الكريه الذي جعلني مجنوناً طوال حياتي، أو على الأقل غير متزن"(2). ولعل لوهمه المرضي أساساً دينياً لا بدنياً فقط، كما كان الشأن مع كوبر، فلقد كانت أم جونسن كلفنية راسخة تؤمن بأن الهلاك الأبدي قاب قوسين منها. وقد قاسى صموئيل من رهبة الجحيم إلى يوم مماته.
وعن أبيه أخذ مبادئ المحافظين، والميول الاستيوارتية، والشغف بالكتب. فكان يقرأ بعضهم في مكتبة أبيه، وقد قال لبوزويل فيما بعد، "كنت في الثامنة عشرة أعرف تقريباً قدر ما أعرفه الآن"(3). وبعد أن نال حظاً من التعليم الأولي انتقل إلى مدرسة لتشفيلد الثانوية، وكان في ناظرها "من الضراوة ما جعل الآباء الذين تعلموا على يديه يأبون إرسال أبنائهم إلى مدرسته"(4).
على أنه حين سئل في كبره كيف أتيح له أن يتمكن من اللاتينية على هذا النحو أجاب "كان معلمي يحسن ضربي بالسوط. لولا ذلك يا سيدي لما أفلحت في شيء"(5). وقد أعرب في شيخوخته عن أسفه لإهمال العصا. " في مدارسنا الكبرى اليوم يجلدون التلاميذ أقل مما كانوا يجلدونهم في الماضي، ولكن ما يتعلمونه فيها أقل، فهم يخسرون في طرف ما حصلوه في الطرف الآخر"(6).
وفي 1728 أتيح لأبويه من الموارد ما يسر لهما إرساله إلى أكسفورد، وهناك راح يلتهم الكلاسيكيات اليونانية واللاتينية ويزعج معلميه بعصيانه وتمرده. وفي ديسمبر 1729 عجل بالعودة إلى لتشفيلد، وربما لنفاد مال أبويه، أو لأن وهمه المرضي قد قارب الجنون قرباً أحوجه إلى العلاج الطبي. وعولج في برمنجهام، ثم ساعد أباه في متجره بدلاً من العودة إلى أكسفورد. فلما أن مات الأب (ديسمبر 1731) اشتغل صموئيل مدرساً مساعداً في مدرسة بماركيت بوزوبرث. وسرعان ما مل هذا العمل بعد قليل، فانتقل إلى برمنكجهام، وسكن مع كتبي، وكسب خمسة جنيهات بترجمة كتاب عن الحبشة، وكان هذا مرجعاً بعيداً لقصته "راسيلاس". وفي 1734 ففل إلى ليتشفيلد حيث كانت أمه وأخوه يواصلان العمل في المتجر. وفي 9 يوليو 1735، قبل أن يتم السادسة والعشرين بشهرين، تزوج إليزابث بورتر، وكانت أرملة في الثامنة والأربعين لها ثلاثة أطفال وتملك 700 جنيه. وبمالها هذا افتتح مدرسة داخلية في إديال القريبة منه. وكان من تلاميذه ديفي جاريك، أحد صبية لتشفيلد، ولكن لم يكن هناك ما يكفي لاستمالته إلى مهنة التعليم، وكان التأليف يختمر في باطنه. فكتب مسرحية سناها "أيريني"، وبعث بكلمة لأدورد كيف محرر "مجلة الجنتلمان" يشرح كيف يمكن تحسين تلك المجلة. وفي 2 مارس 1737 انطلق إلى لندن مع ديفد جاريك وجواد واحد، ليبيع مأساته ويشق لنفسه طريقاً في العالم القاسي.
على ان مظهره يعاكسه. كان نحيلاً طويلاً، ولكن كان له هيكل ناتئ العظام جعله كتلة من الزوايا. وكان وجهه مبقعاً بندوب الداء الخنازيري تهيجه مراراً انقباضة تشنجية، وكان جسمه عرضة لانتفاضات مزعجة، وحديثه تؤكده حركات وإيماءات غريبة. وقد نصحه كتبي طلب عنده عملاً بأن "يحصل على إنشوطة حمال ويحمل الحقائب"(7). والظاهر أنه تلقى بعض التشجيع من كيف، لأنه في يوليو عاد إلى لتشفيلد وأتى بزوجته إلى لندن.
ولم يكن خلواً من المكر. فحين هوجم كيف في الصحف نظم جونسن قصيدة في الدفاع عنه وأرسلها إليه، فنشرها كيف، وكلفه بمهام أدبية، وانضم إلى ددسلي في نشر قصيدة جونسن "لندن" (مايو 1738) التي نقداه عشرة جنيهات ثمناً لها. وقد قلدت القصيدة في غير مواريه "الهجائية الثالثة" لجوفنال، ومن ثم أكدت الجوانب المؤسفة لمدينة لندن التي سرعان ما تعلم الكاتب أن يحبها، كذلك كانت هجوماً على حكومة روبرت ولبول، الذي وصفه جونسن فيما بعد بأنه "خير وزير عرفته البلاد"(8). وكانت القصيدة من بعض نواحيها هجوماً غاضباً لشاب ظل غير واثق من قوت غده بعد أن قضى عاماً في لندن. ومن هنا بيته المشهور "أن الكفاية تصعد ببطئ لأن الفقر يوهنها"(9).
في أيام الكفاح تلك جرب جونسن قلمه في كل لون من ألوان الأدب. كتب "سير العظماء" (1740)، ودبج مقالات شتى لمجلة الجنتلمان، منها تقارير وهمية عن المناقشات البرلمانية. وكان نشر المناقشات البرلمانية محظوراً حتى ذلك التاريخ، فوقع كيف على حيلة ادعى بها أن مجلته إنما تسجل المناقشات في "مجلس شيوخ مجنا للبيوتيا". وفي 1741 اضطلع جونسن بهذه المهمة. ومن المعلومات العامة التي اجتمعت له عن سير النقاش في البرلمان ألف خطباً نسبها إلى شخصيات كانت أسماؤهم تصحيفاً لأسماء كبار المجادلين في مجلس العموم(10). وكان في هذه التقارير من مظهر الصدق ما أوقع في روع الكثير من القراء أنها تقارير حرفية، واضطر جونسن إلى أن ينبه سموليت (الذي كان يكتب تاريخاً لإنجلترا) إلى عدم الاعتماد عليها كتقارير حقيقية. وذات مرة علق جونسن على إطراء سمعه لخطبة نسبها إلى شاتان بقوله "هذه الخطبة كتبتها في علية بأكستر ستريت"(11). فلما أثنى بعضهم على حياد تقاريره اعترف قائلاً "لقد أحسنت إنقاذ المظاهر إلى حد معقول، ولكن حرصت على ألا يكون كلاب الهويجز هم الفائزون"(12).
ترى كم كان اجره على عمله هذا؟ لقد وصف كيف مرة بأنه "صراف بخيل"، ولكنه صرح غير مرة بحبه لذكراه. وقد دفع له كيف تسعة وأربعين جنيهاً بين 2 أغسطس 1738 و12 أبريل 1739، وفي 1744 قدر جونسن أن مبلغ خمسين جنيهاً في العام "يفيض ولا ريب عن حاجات الحياة"(13). غير أن الناس جروا على القول بأن جونسن كان يعيش في تلك السنين في فقر مدقع في لندن. وقد اعتقد بوزويل أن "جونسن وسفدج بلغ بهما الأملاق أحياناً مبلغاً أعجزتهما عن دفع إيجار مسكن، فكانا يجوبان الشوارع ليالي بأكملها"(14)، وزعم ماكولي أن شهور الضنك تلك عودت جونسن قذارة الهندام و"شدة الشره" للطعام(15).
وقد ادعى رتشرد ساڤدج أنه ابن لأحد الأيرلات، دون أن تقنع دعواه الناس ولكنه كان قد بات متبطلاً لا يصلح لشيء حين لقيه جونسن في 1737. وقد جابا الشوارع لأنهما أحبا الحانات أكثر مما أحبا مسكنيهما ويذكر بوزويل "بكل ما يمكن من احترام ولياقة.".
أن سلوك جونسن بعد مجيئه إلى لندن، ومعاشرته لسافدج وغيره، لم يكن فيهما شديد الالتزام بالفضيلة، في إحدى النواحي، كما كان هو أصغر سناً. وقد عرف عنه أن ميوله الغرامية كانت قوية عاتية إلى حد غير عادي. واعترف لكثير من أصدقائه أنه اعتاد أن يأخذ نساء المدينة إلى الحانات، ويستمع إليهن وهن يروين سيرتهن. وباختصار يجب ألا نخفي أن جونسن، كغيره من الرجال الطيبين الأتقياء الكثيرين (أكان بوزويل ذاكراً بنفسه وهو يقول هذا؟)... لم يكن خلواً من النوازع التي كانت على الدوام "تشن حرباً على ناموس عقله"-وأنه في معاركه معها كان يهزم أحياناً"(16).
وقد رحل سافدج عن لندن في يوليو 1739 ومات في سجن للمدنيين عام 1743. وبعد ذلك بعام أصدر جونسن "سيرة رتشارد سافدج"، وهو كتاب وصفه فيلدنج بأنه "قطعة من الأدب لا تقل أنصافاً وإجادة عن أي قطعة قرأتها من نوعها"(17). وكانت هذه السيرة إرهاصاً بكتاب جونسن "سير الشعراء" (وقد ضمنت فيه). ونشرت السيرة غفلاً من اسم الكاتب، ولكن سرعان ما اكتشف أدباء لندن أن جونسن كاتبها. وبدأ الكتابيون يرون فيه الرجل المؤهل لتصنيف قاموس للغة الإنجليزية.

Next only to William Shakespeare, Samuel Johnson is perhaps the most quoted of English writers. The latter part of the eighteenth century is often (in English-speaking countries, of course) called, simply, the Age of Johnson.
Johnson was born in Lichfield, Staffordshire, England, in 1709. His mother did not have enough milk for him, and so he was put out to nurse. From his nurse he contracted a tubercular infection called scrofula, which inflamed the lymph glands and spread to the optic and auditory nerves, leaving him deaf in the left ear, almost blind in the left eye, and dim of vision in the right eye. It also left scar tissue which disfigured his face, as did a later childhood bout with small-pox.
Young Johnson responded to his disabilities by a fierce determination to be independent and to accept help and pity from no one. When he was three or four years old, a household servant regularly took him to school and walked him home again. One day the servant was not there in time, and Johnson started for home by himself. Coming to an open ditch across the street, he got down on all fours to peer at it before attempting to cross. His teacher had followed to watch him, and now approached to help. He spied her, and angrily pushed her away. Throughout his life, he feared that ill health would tempt him to self-indulgence and self-pity, and bent over backwards to resist the temptation.
He had an uncle who was a local boxing champion, and who taught him to fight, so that years later he walked without fear in the worst sections of London. Once four robbers attacked him, and he held his own until the watch arrived and arrested them.
Sports where he had to see a ball were out of the question. He turned instead to swimming, leaping, and climbing (and, in season, to sliding on frozen lakes and ponds). In his seventies, revisiting his native Lichfield, he looked for a rail that he used to jump over as a boy, and having found it, he laid aside his hat and wig, and his coat, and leaped over it twice, a feat that left him, as he said, "in a transport of joy".
In middle age, not having swum for years, he went swimming with a friend who warned him of a section of river that was dangerous, where someone had recently drowned. Johnson promptly swam to that section. On another occasion, he was told that a gun was old and dangerous to fire. He promptly loaded it and fired it at a wall.
When he was eight years old, he stopped going to church, and abandoned his religion. A few years later, however, he began to think that it was wrong of him to do so without investigating the matter, and the pangs of guilt he had over not having read theology before rejecting it brought him to the conclusion that there must be a Moral Law (else what is guilt about?) and hence a Lawgiver.
As a youth, he developed a fondness for disputation, and often, as he admits, chose the wrong side of the debate because it would be more challenging.
In October, 1728, having just turned nineteen, Johnson entered Pembroke College, Oxford. His mother had inherited a lump sum which was enough to pay for a year at Oxford, and he had a prospect of further aid. But the prospect fell through, and after one year Johnson was forced to drop out of Oxford.
While at Oxford, Johnson read Bernard Mandeville's Fable of the Bees, With an Enquiry Into the Origin of Moral Virtue. Mandeville argues (among many other things) that what are commonly called virtues are disguised vices. This made a deep impression on Johnson, and made him watchful for corruption in his own motives.
A more fundamental influence was that of William Law's book Serious Call To a Devout and Holy Life. Johnson reports that he "began to read it expecting to find it a dull book (as such books generally are), and perhaps to laugh at it. But I found Law quite an overmatch for me; and this was the first occasion of my thinking in earnest of religion, after I became capable of rational inquiry."
As his first year at Oxford was ending, his money was running out. He had only one pair of shoes, and his toes showed through the ends. A gentleman, seeing this, placed a new pair of shoes outside Johnson's door at night, and Johnson, finding them in the morning, threw them away in a fit of shame and wounded pride.
In December, 1729, with his fees well in arrears, Johnson was forced to leave Oxford. He wrote a short poem, The Young Author, dealing with the dreams of greatness of someone just starting to write, and the almost certain destruction of those dreams. The moral is: "Do not let yourself hope for much, and you will be the less disappointed."
Out of Oxford, with no hope of the academic career for which his native talents suited him, Johnson sank for two years into a deep depression, a despair and inability to act, wherein, as he later told a friend, he could stare at the town clock and not be able to tell what time it was. He feared that he was falling into insanity, and considered suicide. He developed convulsive tics, jerks, and twitches, that remained with him for the remainder of his life, and often caused observers who did not know him to think him an idiot.
In his depressed state, Johnson met the Porters. Mr. Porter was a prosperous merchant. He and his family valued Johnson's company and conversation, and were not put off by his appearance and mannerisms. Mrs. Porter said to her daughter, after first meeting Johnson, "That is the most sensible man I ever met." From the Porters, Johnson gained renewed self-confidence, and largely emerged from his depressed state. After the death of Henry Porter, his wife Elizabeth ("Tetty", as Johnson came to call her) encouraged Johnson into a closer friendship, and in 1735 they were married. She was 20 years older than he, and brought to the marriage a dowry of over 600 pounds. In those days the interest alone on such a sum would have been almost enough for the couple to live on. There is every indication that it was a love match on both sides. On Tetty's side, the love was reinfoced by the perception of future greatness. On Johnson's side, the love was reinforced by gratitude toward the woman whose approval and acceptance had given him back his sanity and self-respect.
The newly-married Johnson undertook to open a private school, Edial Hall. One of his first students was David Garrick, who became a lifelong friend and was later known as the foremost actor of his day. The school closed a little over a year later, having failed to attract enough pupils. Johnson had invested most of his wife's dowry in it, hoping to multiply her capital. Instead, he lost nearly all of it, leaving them desperately
طفولة كارثية، ولادة صعبة ، مربية، ومرض صعب للغاية ، إعاقة في الأذن والعين والوجه، ثم موت الوالد وعمره 22 سنة.
طفولة كارثية ويتم اجتماعي وموت الأب في سن 22 .

قديم 09-12-2012, 10:48 AM
المشاركة 12
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
Immanuel Kant
- Immanuel Kant was an 18th-century philosopher from Russia. He has been considered one of the most influential thinkers of all time in Europe. Kant brought forth a unique theory of perception and thought deeply about life. Many regard Kant as a genius of his time.
ولد إمانويل كانط في 1724 في كونغسبرغ عاصمة روسيا ذلك الوقت، هي اليوم كيلننغراد في روسيا. كان الرابع من بين أحد عشر ولدا (أربعة منهم بلغوا سن الرشد). عمد واسمه "Emanuel" وغير اسمه إلى "Immanuel" بعد تعلمه العبرية. في حياته كلها لم يسافر أبداولم يبتعد أكثر من مئة ميل عن كونغسبرغ. والده جوهان جورج كانط (1682-1746) كان صانع أطقم فرس في مدينة ميمل شرق بروسيا (الآن كليبدا في ليتوانيا). أمه، ريجينا رويتر (1697-1737) ولدت في نورمبرغ. جد كانط هاجر من أسكتلندا إلى شرق روسيا ولم يزل والده يملي اسم عائلتهم "Cant". في شبابه كان كانط طالبا قويا ولو كان ضعيف البنية. تربي في بيت تقوى (حركة تتبع اللوثرية) تشدد كانط بقوة على الإخلاص الديني والتواضع والتفسير الحرفي للكتاب المقدس. بالتالي تلقى كانط تعليما صارما ـ قاسيا وتأديبيا انضباطيا ـ يؤثر اللاتينية وتعليم الدين على الرياضيات والعلوم.
لحسن حظ كانط الشاب كان فرانز شولتز قس/مربي العائلة ذهل لنضوج كانط المبكر وأقنع العائلة بإرساله إلى مدرسة في الكلية الفردركية حيث كان شولتز رئيسا. هناك قضى كانط ثمان سنوات—ستة أيام أسبوعيا من السابعة صباحا حتى الرابعة مساء—يدرس اللاتينية اليونانية العبرية الفرنسية والرياضيات واللاهوت. بعد تخرجه ثانيا على صفه كان كانط ابن السادسة عشرة سجل في جامعة كونغسبرغ حيث كانت اهتماماته بالفلسفة والعلم اْوقدت البروفسور الخبير مارتن كنوتزن. قضى كانط سبع سنوات في الجامعة لكنه لم يتخرج بسبب ضائقة مالية: توفيت والدته في 1737 وتوفي والده في 1746. ليدعم نفسه كان عليه ترك الكلية ويخدم كمعلم خاص لأطفال الأسر الثرية قريبا من كونغسبرغ. أثناء هذه السنوات كرس وقت فراغه الطويل في الدراسة الذاتية وكتابة أطروحة. في 1755 عاد إلى الجامعة ودافع بنجاح عن الأطروحة وأعطي وظيفة برفاتدوزنت (ملحق مساعد أستاذ) مرتبة متدنية بقليل من البرستيج وبلا راتب إلا رسوم الطلاب. في هذه السنوات المبكرة كان يدرس قرابة ثمانية وعشرين ساعة في الأسبوع في مجموعة واسعة من الموضوعات ضمنها الفلسفة علم أصول التربية/التدريس الرياضيات الفيزياء العلوم الاجتماعية علم المعادن ومفضله الجغرافيا الفيزيائية. بعد فصول كان يستمتع بقراءة الجرائد مع القهوة. في المساء كان يلعب الورق والبلياردو وغالبا يصل بيته بعد منتصف الليل سكرانا كأقل ما يقال. أرغمته الظروف على العيش ببساطة في شقة مفروشة فقط بسرير وطاولة وكرسي، ما عدا صورة ظلية لجان جاك روسو كانت الجدران عارية. ليضيف إلى مدخوله الضئيل عمل كمساعد أمين مكتبة في القلعة الملكية.
Immanuel Kant was born in 1724 in K&ouml;nigsberg, the capital of Prussia at that time, today the city of Kaliningrad in the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad Oblast. He was the fourth of nine children (four of them reached adulthood). Baptized 'Emanuel', he changed his name to 'Immanuel'[6] after learning Hebrew. In his entire life, he never traveled more than ten miles from K&ouml;nigsberg.[7] His father, Johann Georg Kant (1682–1746), was a German harnessmaker from Memel, at the time Prussia's most northeastern city (now Klaipėda, Lithuania). His mother, Regina Dorothea Reuter (1697–1737), was born in Nuremberg.[8] Kant's paternal grandfather had emigrated from Scotland to East Prussia, and his father still spelled their family name "Cant".[9] In his youth, Kant was a solid, albeit unspectacular, student. He was brought up in a Pietist household that stressed intense religious devotion, personal humility, and a literal interpretation of the Bible. Kant received a stern education – strict, punitive, and disciplinary – that preferred Latin and religious instruction over mathematics and science.[10] Despite being raised in a religious household and still maintaining a belief in God, he was skeptical of religion in later life and was an agnostic.[11][12][13][14][15][16] The common myths concerning Kant's personal mannerisms are enumerated, explained, and refuted in Goldthwait's introduction to his translation of Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime.[17] It is often held that Kant lived a very strict and predictable life, leading to the oft-repeated story that neighbors would set their clocks by his daily walks. He never married, but did not seem to lack a rewarding social life - he was a popular teacher and a modestly successful author even before starting on his major philosophical works.
يتيم الأم في سن الـ 3 عشرة ومات أبوه وعمره 22 سنة.

قديم 09-12-2012, 10:49 AM
المشاركة 13
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
- Aristotle was a Greek philosopher, student of Plato and one who taught Alexander the Great. Aristotle became a great writer and is regarded as one of the most important and influential figures towards shaping Western philosophy. His works were the first to ever study “logic” and he had a profound influence on others during his time.
ولد ارسطو عام 384 قبل الميلاد في مدينة (ستاغيرا) في شمال اليونان، وكان والده طبيبا مقربا من البلاط المقدوني، وقد حافظ ارسطو وتلاميذه من بعده على هذا التقارب. وقد كان لوالده ثأير كبير عليه لدخوله مجال التشريح ودراسة الكائنات الحية التي منحته القدرة على دقة الملاحظة والتحليل. وفي عام 367 رحل ارسطو إلى اثينا للالتحاق بمعهد افلاطون، كطالب في البداية، وكمدرس فيما بعد. وكان افلاطون قد جمع حوله مجموعة من الرجال المتفوقين في مختلف المجالات العلمية من طب وبيولوجيا ورياضيات وفلك. ولم يكن يجمع بينهم رابط عقائدي سوى رغبتهم في إثرا وتنظيم المعارف الإنسانية، وإقامتها على قواعد نظرية راسخة، ثم نشرها في مختلف الاتجاهات، وكان هذا هو التوجه المعلن لتعاليم وأعمال ارسطو.
وكان من برامج معهد افلاطون أيضا تدريب الشباب للقيام بالمهن السياسية، وتقديم النصائح والمشورة للحكام، ولذا فقد انضم ارسطو عام 347 إلى بلاط الملك هرمياس، ومن ثم، وفي عام 343 دخل في خدمة الملك فيليب الثاني إمبراطور مقدونيا حيث أصبح مؤدبا لابنه الاسكندر الكبير. وبعد سبع سنوات عاد مرة أخرى إلى اثينا ليؤسس مدرسته الخاصة (الليسيوم) أو (المشائية) وسميت كذلك نسبة للممرات أو أماكن المشاة المسقوفة التي كان الطلاب وأساتذتهم يتحاورون فيها وهم يمشون، كما تسمى اليوم جماعات الضغط السياسية في الكونغرس الأمريكي بـ (الوبي) نسبة إلى لوبي أو ردهة مبنى الكونغرس في واشنطن. وقد خالفت (المشائية) تقاليد (اكاديمية) افلاطون بتوسيع المجالات العلمية التي كانت تناقشها واعطت أهمية كبرى لتدريس الطبيعيات. وبعد وفاة الاسكندر الكبير، بدأ الشعور بالكراهية يظهر ضد المقدونيين في أثينا، وقد أثر ذلك على نفسية ارسطو، وقد كان من الموالين للمقدونيين، مما جعله يتقاعد، ولم يمهله القدر طويلا حيث توفي بعد اقل من عام من وفاة الاسكندر، فكانت وفاته في عام 322 قبل الميلاد. َ وعلى الرغم من غزارة إنتاج ارسطو الفكري المتمثل في محاضراته وحواراته الكثيرة، إلا أنه لم يبق منها الا النذر اليسير، فقد ضاع معظمها، ولم يبق سوى بعض الأعمال التي كانت تدرس في مدرسته، والتي تم جمعها تحت اسم (المجموعة الارسطوطالية) بالإضافة إلى نسخة ممزقة من (الدستور الاثيني) الذي وضعه، وعدد من الرسائل والاشعار ومن ضمنها مرثية في افلاطون
Aristotle, whose name means "the best purpose," was born in Stageira, Chalcidice, in 384 BC, about 55 km (34 mi) east of modern-day Thessaloniki.[5] His father Nicomachus was the personal physician to King Amyntas of Macedon. Aristotle was trained and educated as a member of the aristocracy. At about the age of eighteen, he went to Athens to continue his education at Plato's Academy. Aristotle remained at the academy for nearly twenty years before quitting Athens in 348/47 BC. The traditional story about his departure reports that he was disappointed with the direction the academy took after control passed to Plato's nephew Speusippus upon his death, although it is possible that he feared anti-Macedonian sentiments and left before Plato had died.[6] He then traveled with Xenocrates to the court of his friend Hermias of Atarneus in Asia Minor. While in Asia, Aristotle traveled with Theophrastus to the island of Lesbos, where together they researched the botany and zoology of the island. Aristotle married Hermias's adoptive daughter (or niece) Pythias. She bore him a daughter, whom they named Pythias. Soon after Hermias' death, Aristotle was invited by Philip II of Macedon to become the tutor to his son Alexander in 343 BC.[7]
Aristotle was appointed as the head of the royal academy of Macedon. During that time he gave lessons not only to Alexander, but also to two other future kings: Ptolemy and Cassander.[citation needed] Aristotle encouraged Alexander toward eastern conquest, and his attitude towards Persia was unabashedly ethnocentric. In one famous example, he counsels Alexander to be 'a leader to the Greeks and a despot to the barbarians, to look after the former as after friends and relatives, and to deal with the latter as with beasts or plants'.[8]
By 335 BC he had returned to Athens, establishing his own school there known as the Lyceum. Aristotle conducted courses at the school for the next twelve years. While in Athens, his wife Pythias died and Aristotle became involved with Herpyllis of Stageira, who bore him a son whom he named after his father, Nicomachus. According to the Suda, he also had an eromenos, Palaephatus of Abydus.[9]
It is during this period in Athens from 335 to 323 BC when Aristotle is believed to have composed many of his works.[7] Aristotle wrote many dialogues, only fragments of which survived. The works that have survived are in treatise form and were not, for the most part, intended for widespread publication, as they are generally thought to be lecture aids for his students. His most important treatises include Physics, Metaphysics, Nicomachean Ethics, Politics, De Anima (On the Soul) and Poetics.
Aristotle not only studied almost every subject possible at the time, but made significant contributions to most of them. In physical science, Aristotle studied anatomy, astronomy, embryology, geography, geology, meteorology, physics and zoology. In philosophy, he wrote on aesthetics, ethics, government, metaphysics, politics, economics, psychology, rhetoric and theology. He also studied education, foreign customs, literature and poetry. His combined works constitute a virtual encyclopedia of Greek knowledge. It has been suggested that Aristotle was probably the last person to know everything there was to be known in his own time.[10]
Near the end of Alexander's life, Alexander began to suspect plots against himself, and threatened Aristotle in letters. Aristotle had made no secret of his contempt for Alexander's pretense of divinity, and the king had executed Aristotle's grandnephew Callisthenes as a traitor. A widespread tradition in antiquity suspected Aristotle of playing a role in Alexander's death, but there is little evidence for this.[11]
Upon Alexander's death, anti-Macedonian sentiment in Athens once again flared. Eurymedon the hierophant denounced Aristotle for not holding the gods in honor. Aristotle fled the city to his mother's family estate in Chalcis, explaining, "I will not allow the Athenians to sin twice against philosophy,"[12][13] a reference to Athens's prior trial and execution of Socrates. He died in Euboea of natural causes within the year (in 322 BC). Aristotle named chief executor his student Antipater and left a will in which he asked to be buried next to his wife.[14]

ارسطو ولد في عام 384 قبل الميلاد. ووالده مات في عام 375 قبل الميلاد.

Nicomachus (Greek: Νικόμαχος), lived c. 375 BC, was the father of Aristotle.

يتيم الاب وعمره 9 سنوات.

قديم 09-12-2012, 10:50 AM
المشاركة 14
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
Pablo Picasso
- Though Picasso may not have been an amazing scientist, his revolutionary mind forever changed the way people looked at art. He was a master drawer, painter, and sculptor. He founded “cubism” – an art style which became a huge movement in the 20th century. Pablo Picasso’s unique perception, which he expressed through his art, caused many people to view reality from a different perspective.
ولد بابلو بيكاسو عام 1881 بمدينة ملقة في جنوب إسبانيا لأسرة متوسطة الحال، وكان بابلو هو الطفل الأول فيها، كانت أمه تدعى ماريا بيكاسو (وهو الاسم الذي اشتهر به بابلو فيما بعد)، أما والده فهو الفنان خوسيه رويز الذي كان يعمل أستاذاً للرسم والتصوير في إحدى مدارس الرسم وكذلك كان أميناً للمتحف المحلى، وقد تخصص في رسم الطيور والطبيعة، وكان أجداد رويز من الطبقة الأرستقراطية إلى حد ما. أظهر بابلو شغفه ومهارته في الرسم منذ سن مبكرة، وكانت أمه تقول أن من أولى الكلمات التي نطقها بابلو كانت تعنى "قلم رصاص".
في السابعة من عمره تلقى بابلو على يد والده تدريباً رسمياً في الرسم والتصوير الزيتى، وكان رويز فناناً تقليدياً وأستاذاً أكاديمياً مما جعله يعتقد أن التدريب المثالى يعتمد على النسخ المنظبط، ورسم أجساد بشرية من نماذج حية. وهكذا أصبح بابلو منشغلاً بالرسم على حساب دراسته. عام 1891 انتقلت العائلة إلى لاكورونيا حيث أصبح الأب أستاذاً بكلية الفنون الجميلة، ومكثوا فيها أربعة أعوام تقريباً. وفى إحدى المرات قام بابلو وهو في سن الثالثة عشرة بإتمام رسم أحد السكيتشات التي لم يكن والده قد انتهى منها بعد وقد كانت اللوحة لحمامة، وحينما تفحص الأب تقنية إبنه في الرسم شعر إن إبنه قد تفوق عليه، وأعلن وقتها التخلى عن الرسم رغم وجود لوحات له في وقت لاحق.
وفى عام 1895 تعرض بابلو لصدمة شديدة بعد وفاة شقيقته الصغرى ذات السبع سنوات بعد إصابتها بمرض الدفتيريا، وبعد وفاتها انتقلت العائلة مرة أخرى إلى برشلونة حيث عمل الأب هناك أستاذاً بأكاديمية الفنون الجميلة، وبدأ بابلو في الازدهار من جديد مع إبقاءه على الحزن والحنين إلى الوطن الحقيقى.
أقنع الأب المسؤولين في الأكاديمية بالسماح لإبنه بالتقدم في امتحان القبول للمستوى المتقدم، وكانت هذه الامتحانات تستغرق في الغالب شهراً إلا أن بيكاسو أنجزها في أسبوع واحد، الأمر الذي حاز إعجاب لجنة التحكيم ببيكاسو الذي كان في الثالثة عشرة من عمره وقتها. وكان بيكاسو يفتقر للانضباط إلا أنه استطاع أن يكوّن العديد من الصداقات التي أثّرت في حياته في وقتٍ لاحق.
قام والده بتأجير حجرة صغيره له بجوار المنزل ليستطيع فيها بيكاسو العمل بمفرده، وكان والده يقوم بزيارته عدة مرات في اليوم وتفحّص رسوماته، والتناقش معه حول بعض الأمور أحياناً. بعدها قرر والد بيكاسو وعمه إرساله إلى أكاديمية مدريد الملكية في سان فيرناندو، وهى أهم أكاديمية للرسم في البلاد.
في السادسة عشرة من عمره، بدأ بيكاسو في المكوث في المدينة على نفقته للمرة الأولى إلا أنه وبعد تسجيله في الأكاديمية بدأ يكره النظام الرسمى في التعليم وبدأ في ترك المحاضرات. وعلى الرغم من أن مدريد كان لديها العديد من عوامل الجذب، مثل متحف البرادو الذي يضم أعمالاً لفيلاسكيز دييغو، غويا فرانسسيكو، وسورباران فرانشسكو إلا أن بيكاسو أعجب خاصةً بأعمال الفنان إل غريكو (يونانى الأصل) حيث الألوان اللافتة، والأطراف الممدودة، والملامح الغامضة، والتي تأثر بها بيكاسو وظهرت في أعماله فيما بعده.
Picasso was baptized Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Mar&iacute;a de los Remedios Crispiniano de la Sant&iacute;sima Trinidad, a series of names honoring various saints and relatives.[8] Added to these were Ruiz and Picasso, for his father and mother, respectively, as per Spanish law. Born in the city of M&aacute;laga in the Andalusian region of Spain, he was the first child of Don José Ruiz y Blasco (1838–1913) and Mar&iacute;a Picasso y L&oacute;pez.[9] Picasso’s family was middle-class. His father was a painter who specialized in naturalistic depictions of birds and other game. For most of his life Ruiz was a professor of art at the School of Crafts and a curator of a local museum. Ruiz’s ancestors were minor aristocrats.

Picasso showed a passion and a skill for drawing from an early age. According to his mother, his first words were "piz, piz", a shortening of l&aacute;piz, the Spanish word for "pencil".[10] From the age of seven, Picasso received formal artistic training from his father in figure drawing and oil painting. Ruiz was a traditional, academic artist and instructor who believed that proper training required disciplined copying of the masters, and drawing the human body from plaster casts and live models. His son became preoccupied with art to the detriment of his classwork.
The family moved to A Coru&ntilde;a in 1891, where his father became a professor at the School of Fine Arts. They stayed almost four years. On one occasion, the father found his son painting over his unfinished sketch of a pigeon. Observing the precision of his son’s technique, an apocryphal story relates, Ruiz felt that the thirteen-year-old Picasso had surpassed him, and vowed to give up painting,[11] though paintings by him exist from later years.
In 1895, Picasso was traumatized when his seven-year-old sister, Conchita, died of diphtheria.[12] After her death, the family moved to Barcelona, where Ruiz took a position at its School of Fine Arts. Picasso thrived in the city, regarding it in times of sadness or nostalgia as his true home.[13] Ruiz persuaded the officials at the academy to allow his son to take an entrance exam for the advanced class. This process often took students a month, but Picasso completed it in a week, and the impressed jury admitted him, at just 13. The student lacked discipline but made friendships that would affect him in later life. His father rented him a small room close to home so he could work alone, yet he checked up on him numerous times a day, judging his drawings. The two argued frequently.
Picasso’s father and uncle decided to send the young artist to Madrid’s Royal Academy of San Fernando, the country's foremost art school.[13] At age 16, Picasso set off for the first time on his own, but he disliked formal instruction and quit attending classes soon after enrollment. Madrid, however, held many other attractions. The Prado housed paintings by Diego Vel&aacute;zquez, Francisco Goya, and Francisco Zurbar&aacute;n. Picasso especially admired the works of El Greco; elements like the elongated limbs, arresting colors, and mystical visages are echoed in his later work
صدم بموت اخته ذات السبع سنوات عندما كان في سن الرابعة عشرة، لا يعرف متى ماتت والدته.
طفولة كارثية بسبب موت اخته الصغيرة.

قديم 09-12-2012, 10:51 AM
المشاركة 15
ايوب صابر
مراقب عام سابقا


  • غير موجود
Niles Bohr
- Niels Bohr was a phenomenal physicist and a highly advanced thinker. He invented the Bohr Model which is regarded as a huge contribution to atomic physics. Bohr was heavily involved with post World War II scientific issues and carried a great head on his shoulders.
Niels Henrik David Bohr (Danish pronunciation: [ˈnels ˈboɐ̯ˀ]; 7 October 1885 – 18 November 1962)[1] was a Danish physicist who made foundational contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum mechanics, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922.[2] Bohr mentored and collaborated with many of the top physicists of the century at his institute in Copenhagen. He was part of the British team of physicists working on the Manhattan Project. Bohr married Margrethe N&oslash;rlund in 1912, and one of their sons, Aage Bohr, grew up to be an important physicist who in 1975 also received the Nobel Prize. Bohr has been described as one of the most influential scientists of the 20th century.
Early years</SPAN>

Bohr was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1885. His father, Christian Bohr, was professor of physiology at the University of Copenhagen (it is his name which is given to the Bohr shift or Bohr effect), while his mother, Ellen Adler Bohr, came from a wealthy Jewish family prominent in Danish banking and parliamentary circles (in 1891, Bohr was baptized a Lutheran, his father's religion). Despite having a religious background, he later became an atheist.[5][6] His brother was Harald Bohr, a mathematician and Olympic footballer who played on the Danish national team. Niels Bohr was a passionate footballer as well, and the two brothers played a number of matches for the Copenhagen-based Akademisk Boldklub, with Niels in goal.[7][8]
In 1903, Bohr enrolled as an undergraduate at Copenhagen University, initially studying philosophy and mathematics. In 1905, prompted by a gold medal competition sponsored by the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, he conducted a series of experiments to examine the properties of surface tension, using his father's laboratory in the university, familiar to him from assisting there since childhood. His essay won the prize, and it was this success that decided Bohr to abandon philosophy and adopt physics. He continued as a graduate student at the University of Copenhagen, under the physicist Christian Christiansen, receiving his doctorate in 1911.
As a post-doctoral student, Bohr first conducted experiments under J. J. Thomson, of Trinity College, Cambridge and Cavendish Laboratory. In 1912 he met and later joined Ernest Rutherford at Manchester University, where on and off he spent four fruitful years in association with the older physics professor. In 1916, Bohr returned permanently to the University of Copenhagen, where he was appointed to the Chair of Theoretical Physics, a position created especially for him. In 1918 he began efforts to establish the University Institute of Theoretical Physics, which he later directed.
Earlier in 1910 Bohr had met Margrethe N&oslash;rlund, sister of the mathematician Niels Erik N&oslash;rlund.[10] They were married in Copenhagen in 1912.[11] Of their six sons, the oldest died in a boating accident and another died from childhood meningitis. The others went on to lead successful lives, including Aage Bohr, who became a very successful physicist and, like his father, was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in 1975. His other sons were Hans Henrik, a physician, Erik, a chemical engineer, and Ernest, a lawyer
لا يعرف متى ماتت والدته فعليه نعتبره
مجهول الطفولة.

قديم 09-12-2012, 10:52 AM
المشاركة 16
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Thomas Jefferson
- Thomas Jefferson was a very brilliant individual. He was the 3rd president of the United States, wrote The Declaration Of Independence, and was the most influential Founding Father for the U.S. He influenced the republican party and was a horticulturist, statesman, architect, author and inventor. Jefferson was the founder of the University of Virginia and understood that slavery was unethical in a time when most everyone else thought it was proper. Thomas Jefferson was definitely had an exceptional brain.
Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743 (April 2, 1743 O.S.) – July 4, 1826) was an American Founding Father, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776) and the third President of the United States (1801–1809). At the beginning of the American Revolution, he served in the Continental Congress, representing Virginia and then served as a wartime Governor of Virginia (1779–1781). Just after the war ended, from mid-1784 Jefferson served as a diplomat, stationed in Paris. In May 1785, he became the United States Minister to France. Jefferson was the first United States Secretary of State (1790–1793) serving under President George Washington. With his close friend James Madison he organized the Democratic-Republican Party, and subsequently resigned from Washington's cabinet. Elected Vice President in 1796, when he came in second to John Adams of the Federalists, Jefferson opposed Adams and with Madison secretly wrote the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, which attempted to nullify the Alien and Sedition Acts.
The third of ten children, Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743 (April 2, 1743 OS) at the family home in Shadwell, Goochland County, Virginia, now part of Albemarle County.[ His father was Peter Jefferson, (Peter Jefferson (February 29, 1708, - August 17, 1757) was the father of American President Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826)
a planter and surveyor. He was of possible Welsh descent, although this remains unclear. His mother was Jane Randolph, daughter of Isham Randolph, a ship's captain and sometime planter. Peter and Jane married in 1739.[7] Thomas Jefferson was little interested and indifferent to his ancestry and he only knew of the existence of his paternal grandfather.[6]
Before the widower William Randolph, an old friend of Peter Jefferson, died in 1745, he appointed Peter as guardian to manage his Tuckahoe Plantation and care for his four children. That year the Jeffersons relocated to Tuckahoe, where they lived for the next seven years before returning to Shadwell in 1752. Peter Jefferson died in 1757 and the Jefferson estate was divided between Peter's two sons; Thomas and Randolph.[8] Thomas inherited approximately 5,000 acres (2,000 ha; 7.8 sq mi) of land, including Monticello and between 20 and 40 slaves. He took control of the property after he came of age at 21.

توماس جفرسون (13 أبريل1743 - 4 يوليو1826)، مفكر سياسي شهير في العصر المبكر للجمهورية الأمريكية. كان أحد الآباء المؤسسون للولايات المتحدة والمؤلف الرئيسي لإعلان الاستقلال الأمريكي (1776) وبعدا أصبح الرئيس الثالث للولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بالفترة من 1801 حتى 1809 وأحد أشهر رؤسائها.

ولد في ولاية فرجينيا لأسرة عملت في الزراعة. ودرس في معهد وليام وماري الذي تخرج منه العديد من الرؤساء الأميركيين، واشتغل بالتدريس في المعهد نفسه، ثم درس القانون. عرف بفصاحته، إلا أنه لم يكن خطيباً جماهيرياً بل كان يغلب عليه الصمت، فقد اشتهر في برلمان فرجينيا والمؤتمر القاري بكتابته عن المسألة الوطنية أكثر من أحاديثه حولها.
إنتخب عضواً للكونغرس، وكتب أثناء ذلك مسودة إعلان الاستقلال التمهيدية، كما وضع قانوناً يضمن الحرية الدينية طبق سنة 1786. تقلد منصباً وزارياً في حكومة الرئيس واشنطن، إلا أنه استقال منه عام 1793 بسبب الخلاف مع ألكسندر هاملتون.
نمت في عهده خلافات سياسية عنيفة، كما برز الحزبان الجديدان: حزب الفدراليين وحزب الديمقراطيين الجمهوريين المعروف حالياً باسم الحزب الديمقراطي. تنامى الخلاف السياسي عام 1800 إذ حاول الجمهوريون أن يعلنوا الرئيس ونائبه من حزبهم. وبرز أثناء تلك الأحداث خصماً للاستبداد، وكتب في ذلك رسالة مشهورة.
ومما قام به في عهده أنه خفض من النفقات العسكرية والميزانية العامة، واتخذ إجراءات عديدة قلص بها الديون الأمريكية بمعدل الثلث. وسعى إلى الحفاظ على أميركا محايدة إبّان الحرب الفرنسية البريطانية، مما أدى بفرنسا وبريطانيا إلى تأييد سياسة بلاده المحايدة.
قام جيفرسون بتأسيس جامعة فيرجينيا.
توفي جيفرسون في الرابع من تموز سنة 1826. في نفس اليوم الذي توفي فيه جون ادمز الرئيس الأمريكي الذي سبقه.
وهناك مقولة أبداها الرئيس الأمريكي عن الوظائف العامة المدنية في حديث له بتاريخ 12 تموز 1801 وهي "القلة يموتون ولا أحد يستقيل
يتيم الاب في سن الـ 14 .

قديم 09-12-2012, 10:53 AM
المشاركة 17
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- Plato was a Greek philosopher that was taught by Socrates, but taught Aristotle. Along with Socrates and Aristotle, Plato helped lay the groundwork for Western philosophy. He was known to be a mathematician, great writer, and founded “the Academy” or “institute of higher education and learning,” in Athens. His works in philosophy, logic, and mathematics, were studied and used by many teachers after his time. Not only was Plato a revolutionary thinker, he was a genius of his time.
أفلاطون (باللاتينية: Plato / باليونانية: Πλάτων وتعني: واسع الأفق[1]) (427-428 ق.م \ 347-348 ق.م)[2] فيلسوف يوناني كلاسيكي، رياضياتي، كاتب عدد من الحوارات الفلسفية، ويعتبر مؤسس لأكاديمية أثينا التي هي أول معهد للتعليم العالي في العالم الغربي، معلمه سقراط وتلميذه أرسطو، وضع أفلاطون الأسس الأولى للفلسفة الغربية والعلوم.[3]، كان تلميذا لسقراط، وتأثر بأفكاره كما تأثر بإعدامه الظالم.
نبوغ أفلاطون وأسلوبه ككاتب واضح في محاوراته السقراطية (نحو ثلاثين محاورة) التي تتناول مواضيع فلسفية مختلفة: المعرفة، المنطق، اللغة، الرياضيات، الميتافيزقياء، الأخلاقوالسياسة [4].

لا يعرف أين ولد أفلاطون، كما لا يعرف تاريخ ولادته بالتحديد، ولكن من المؤكد أنه ينتمي إلى عائلةأرستقراطية كانت لها مكانة مؤثرة في المجتمعاليوناني.
استنادا إلى المصادر القديمة، يعتقد معظم العلماء المحدثين بأن أفلاطون ولد في أثينا أو أجانيطس بين عامي 427 \ 428 ق.م. والد أفلاطون يدعى أريستون، طبقا لما ذكره المؤرخ ديوجين ليوشيس (200م) أن والد أفلاطون يرجع نسبه من أبيه إلى أحد ملوك أثينا يدعى Codrus ومن أمه إلى ملوك ميسينيا . والدة أفلاطون اسمها بينكتوني(Περικτιόνη) وهي من سلالة القانوني والشاعر اليوناني الأرستقراطي سولون[6]. بينكتوني أخت الطاغية اليوناني كريتياس: Κριτίας وابنة الطاغية كارميدوس : Χαρμίδης، كلاهما شخصيات بارزة من الطغاة الثلاثون أو الأوليغارشيون الذين جاءوا بعد انهيار أثينا عند الانتهاء من الحرب البيلوبونيسية (403-404 ق.م)[7]. أما أفلاطون نفسه، أريستون وبينكتوني والدا أفلاطون لديهم ثلاثة أبناء آخرين الأكبر وهو أدمينتوس والآخر قولاكن والأخيرة بوتون أم الفيلسوف سيوسيبس الذي تزعم أكاديمية أفلاطون بعد وفاته.[7]. وفقا لما ذكره أفلاطون في كتاب الجمهورية أن أدمينتوس وقولاكن يكبرونه سنا.[8]

Plato (424/423 BC[a] – 348/347 BC) was a Classical Greek philosopher, mathematician, student of Socrates, writer of philosophical dialogues, and founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. Along with his mentor, Socrates, and his student, Aristotle, Plato helped to lay the foundations of Western philosophy and science.[3] In the words of A. N. Whitehead:
The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato. I do not mean the systematic scheme of thought which scholars have doubtfully extracted from his writings. I allude to the wealth of general ideas scattered through them.[4]
Plato's sophistication as a writer is evident in his Socratic dialogues; thirty-six dialogues and thirteen letters have been ascribed to him. Plato's writings have been published in several fashions; this has led to several conventions regarding the naming and referencing of Plato's texts.[5] Plato's dialogues have been used to teach a range of subjects, including philosophy, logic, ethics, rhetoric, and mathematics. Plato is one of the most important founding figures in Western philosophy

The exact place and time of Plato's birth are not known, but it is certain that he belonged to an aristocratic and influential family. Based on ancient sources, most modern scholars believe that he was born in Athens or Aegina[b] between 429 and 423 BC.[a] His father was Ariston. According to a disputed tradition, reported by Diogenes Laertius, Ariston traced his descent from the king of Athens, Codrus, and the king of Messenia, Melanthus. Plato's mother was Perictione, whose family boasted of a relationship with the famous Athenian lawmaker and lyric poetSolon.
Perictione was sister of Charmides and niece of Critias, both prominent figures of the Thirty Tyrants, the brief oligarchicregime, which followed on the collapse of Athens at the end of the Peloponnesian War (404–403 BC). Besides Plato himself, Ariston and Perictione had three other children; these were two sons, Adeimantus and Glaucon, and a daughter Potone, the mother of Speusippus (the nephew and successor of Plato as head of his philosophical Academy).[ According to the Republic, Adeimantus and Glaucon were older than Plato. Nevertheless, in his Memorabilia, Xenophon presents Glaucon as younger than Plato.
The traditional date of Plato's birth (428/427) is based on a dubious interpretation of Diogenes Laertius, who says, "When [Socrates] was gone, [Plato] joined Cratylus the Heracleitean and Hermogenes, who philosophized in the manner of Parmenides. Then, at twenty-eight, Hermodorus says, [Plato] went to Euclides in Megara." As Debra Nails argues, "The text itself gives no reason to infer that Plato left immediately for Megara and implies the very opposite." In his Seventh Letter Plato notes that his coming of age coincided with the taking of power by the Thirty, remarking, "But a youth under the age of twenty made himself a laughingstock if he attempted to enter the political arena." Thus Nails dates Plato's birth to 424/423.
According to some accounts, Ariston tried to force his attentions on Perictione, but failed in his purpose; then the godApollo appeared to him in a vision, and as a result, Ariston left Perictione unmolested. Another legend related that, when Plato was an infant, bees settled on his lips while he was sleeping: an augury of the sweetness of style in which he would discourse philosophy.
Ariston appears to have died in Plato's childhood, although the precise dating of his death is difficult. Perictione then married Pyrilampes, her mother's brother, who had served many times as an ambassador to the Persian court and was a friend of Pericles, the leader of the democratic faction in Athens. Pyrilampes had a son from a previous marriage, Demus, who was famous for his beauty. Perictione gave birth to Pyrilampes' second son, Antiphon, the half-brother of Plato, who appears in Parmenides.
In contrast to his reticence about himself, Plato often introduced his distinguished relatives into his dialogues, or referred to them with some precision: Charmides has a dialogue named after him; Critias speaks in both Charmides and Protagoras; and Adeimantus and Glaucon take prominent parts in the Republic.[20] These and other references suggest a considerable amount of family pride and enable us to reconstruct Plato's family tree. According to Burnet, "the opening scene of the Charmides is a glorification of the whole [family] connection ... Plato's dialogues are not only a memorial to Socrates, but also the happier days of his own family."
يتيم الأب في الطفولة وأمه تزوجت خالها بعد موت والده وأنجبت له أخ غير شقيق.
يتيم الأب وهو صغير .

قديم 09-12-2012, 10:54 AM
المشاركة 18
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Winston Churchill
– Winston Churchill was a rightfully famous British politician during World War II. He is well-known for his abilities as a great leader, speaker, officer in the British Army, a historical writer, and an artist. Churchill became a hero of his time and is considered one of the most intelligent men of his time.
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, 30 November 1874 – 24 January 1965) was a British Conservative politician and statesman known for his leadership of the United Kingdom during the Second World War. Widely regarded as one of the greatest wartime leaders of the century, he served as Prime Minister twice (1940–45 and 1951–55). A noted statesman and orator, Churchill was also an officer in the British Army, a historian, a writer, and an artist. He is the only British prime minister to have received the Nobel Prize in Literature, and was the first person to be made an Honorary Citizen of the United States.
Churchill was born into the aristocratic family of the Dukes of Marlborough. His father, Lord Randolph Churchill, was a charismatic politician who served as Chancellor of the Exchequer; his mother, Jennie Jerome, was an American socialite. As a young army officer, he saw action in British India, the Sudan, and the Second Boer War. He gained fame as a war correspondent and wrote books about his campaigns.
At the forefront of politics for fifty years, he held many political and cabinet positions. Before the First World War, he served as President of the Board of Trade, Home Secretary, and First Lord of the Admiralty as part of the AsquithLiberal government. During the war, he continued as First Lord of the Admiralty until the disastrous Gallipoli Campaign caused his departure from government. He then briefly resumed active army service on the Western Front as commander of the 6th Battalion of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. He returned to government as Minister of Munitions, Secretary of State for War, and Secretary of State for Air. After the War, Churchill served as Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Conservative (Baldwin) government of 1924–29, controversially returning the pound sterling in 1925 to the gold standard at its pre-war parity, a move widely seen as creating deflationary pressure on the UK economy. Also controversial was his opposition to increased home rule for India and his resistance to the 1936 abdication of Edward VIII.
Out of office and politically "in the wilderness" during the 1930s, Churchill took the lead in warning about Nazi Germany and in campaigning for rearmament. On the outbreak of the Second World War, he was again appointed First Lord of the Admiralty. Following the resignation of Neville Chamberlain on 10 May 1940, Churchill became Prime Minister. His steadfast refusal to consider defeat, surrender, or a compromise peace helped inspire British resistance, especially during the difficult early days of the War when Britain stood alone in its active opposition to Adolf Hitler. Churchill was particularly noted for his speeches and radio broadcasts, which helped inspire the British people. He led Britain as Prime Minister until victory over Nazi Germany had been secured.
After the Conservative Party lost the 1945 election, he became Leader of the Opposition. In 1951, he again became Prime Minister, before retiring in 1955. Upon his death, Elizabeth II granted him the honour of a state funeral, which saw one of the largest assemblies of world statesmen in history.[1] Named the Greatest Briton of all time in a 2002 poll, Churchill is widely regarded as being among the most influential people in British history.
Family and early life

Born into the aristocratic family of the Dukes of Marlborough, a branch of the noble Spencer family Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, like his father, used the surname "Churchill" in public life. His ancestor George Spencer had changed his surname to Spencer-Churchill in 1817 when he became Duke of Marlborough, to highlight his descent from John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough.
Winston's father, Lord Randolph Churchill, (Lord Randolph Henry Spencer-Churchill PC (13 February 1849 – 24 January 1895 ) the third son of John Spencer-Churchill, 7th Duke of Marlborough, was a politician; and his mother, Lady Randolph Churchill (née Jennie Jerome) was the daughter of American millionaire Leonard Jerome. Winston was born on 30 November 1874, two months prematurely, in a bedroom in Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, Oxfordshire.
From age two to six, he lived in Dublin, where his grandfather had been appointed Viceroy and employed Churchill's father as his private secretary. Churchill's brother, John Strange Spencer-Churchill, was born during this time in Ireland. It has been claimed that the young Winston first developed his fascination with military matters from watching the many parades pass by the Vice Regal Lodge (now &Aacute;ras an Uachtar&aacute;in, the official residence of the President of Ireland).[5][6]
Churchill's earliest exposure to education occurred in Dublin, where a governess tried teaching him reading, writing, and arithmetic (his first reading book was called 'Reading Without Tears'). With limited contact with his parents, Churchill became very close to his nanny, 'Mrs' Elizabeth Anne Everest, whom he called 'Old Woom'. She served as his confidante, nurse, and mother substitute.[7] The two spent many happy hours playing in the Phoenix Park.[8][9]
Independent and rebellious by nature, Churchill generally had a poor academic record in school, for which he was punished.[10] He was educated at three independent schools: St. George's School, Ascot, Berkshire; Brunswick School in Hove, near Brighton (the school has since been renamed Stoke Brunswick School and relocated to Ashurst Wood in West Sussex); and at Harrow School from 17 April 1888. Within weeks of his arrival at Harrow, Churchill had joined the Harrow Rifle Corps.[11]
Churchill was rarely visited by his mother, and wrote letters begging her either to come to the school or to allow him to come home. His relationship with his father was distant; he once remarked that they barely spoke to one another.[12] His father died on 24 January 1895, aged 45, leaving Churchill with the conviction that he too would die young and so should be quick about making his mark on the world.[13]
Speech impediment

Many authors writing in the 1920s and 1930s, before sound recording became common, mentioned Churchill's stutter in terms such as 'severe' or 'agonising' and Churchill described himself as having a "speech impediment" which he worked to overcome. His dentures were specially designed to aid his speech (Demosthenes' pebbles). After many years of public speeches carefully prepared not only to inspire, but also to avoid hesitations, he could finally state, "My impediment is no hindrance".
The Churchill Centre, however, flatly denies the claim that Churchill stuttered, while confirming that he did have difficulty pronouncing the letter S and spoke with a lisp as did his father.

يتيم الاب في سن الحادي والعشرين.

قديم 09-12-2012, 12:27 PM
المشاركة 19
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Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin was one of the Founding Fathers of the U.S., an author, and a printer. He was also a great politician, inventor, and scientist. Benjamin Franklin’s scientific contributions have shaped physics and the field of electricity. He invented the lightning rod, bifocals, the Franklin stove, the odometer, and the glass harmonica. Franklin created the first public lending library in the United States and first fire department in the city of Pennsylvania. Ben Franklin was a true genius of his time.
Benjamin Franklin (January 17, 1706 [O.S. January 6, 1705] – April 17, 1790) was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. A noted polymath, Franklin was a leading author, printer, political theorist, politician, postmaster, scientist, musician, inventor, satirist, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat. As a scientist, he was a major figure in the American Enlightenment and the history of physics for his discoveries and theories regarding electricity. He invented the lightning rod, bifocals, the Franklin stove, a carriage odometer, and the glass 'armonica' He facilitated many civic organizations, including a fire department and a university.
Franklin earned the title of "The First American" for his early and indefatigable campaigning for colonial unity; as an author and spokesman in London for several colonies, then as the first United States Ambassador to France, he exemplified the emerging American nation. Franklin was foundational in defining the American ethos as a marriage of the practical values of thrift, hard work, education, community spirit, self-governing institutions, and opposition to authoritarianism both political and religious, with the scientific and tolerant values of the Enlightenment. In the words of historian Henry Steele Commager, "In a Franklin could be merged the virtues of Puritanism without its defects, the illumination of the Enlightenment without its heat." To Walter Isaacson, this makes Franklin "the most accomplished American of his age and the most influential in inventing the type of society America would become."
Franklin, always proud of his working class roots, became a successful newspaper editor and printer in Philadelphia, the leading city in the colonies. He was also partners with William Goddard and Joseph Galloway the three of whom published the Pennsylvania Chronicle, a newspaper that was known for its revolutionary sentiments and criticisms of the British monarchy in the American colonies. He became wealthy publishing Poor Richard's Almanack and The Pennsylvania Gazette. Franklin gained international renown as a scientist for his famous experiments in electricity and for his many inventions, especially the lightning rod. He played a major role in establishing the University of Pennsylvania and was elected the first president of the American Philosophical Society. Franklin became a national hero in America when he spearheaded the effort to have Parliament repeal the unpopular Stamp Act. An accomplished diplomat, he was widely admired among the French as American minister to Paris and was a major figure in the development of positive Franco-American relations. For many years he was the British postmaster for the colonies, which enabled him to set up the first national communications network. He was active in community affairs, colonial and state politics, as well as national and international affairs. From 1785 to 1788, he served as governor of Pennsylvania. Toward the end of his life, he freed his slaves and became one of the most prominent abolitionists.
His colorful life and legacy of scientific and political achievement, and status as one of America's most influential Founding Fathers, have seen Franklin honored on coinage and money; warships; the names of many towns, counties, educational institutions, namesakes, and companies; and more than two centuries after his death, countless cultural references.

Franklin's father, Josiah Franklin ((December 23, 1657 - January 16, 1745) was a tallow chandler, a soap-maker and a candle-maker. Josiah was born at Ecton, Northamptonshire, England, on December 23, 1657, the son of Thomas Franklin, a blacksmith-farmer, and Jane White. His mother, Abiah Folger, was born in Nantucket, Massachusetts, on August 15, 1667, to Peter Folger, a miller and schoolteacher and his wife Mary Morrill, a former indentured servant.
Josiah Franklin had 17 children with his two wives. He married his first wife, Anne Child, in about 1677 in Ecton and emigrated with her to Boston in 1683; they had three children before emigrating, and four after.
After her death, Josiah was married to Abiah Folger on July 9, 1689, in the Old South Meeting House by Samuel Willard. Benjamin, their eighth child, was Josiah Franklin's 15th child and tenth and last son.
Ben Franklin's mother, Abiah Folger, was born into a Puritan family among those that fled to Massachusetts to establish a purified Congregationalist Christianity in New England, when King Charles I of England began persecuting Puritans. They sailed for Boston in 1635. Her father was "the sort of rebel destined to transform colonial America"; as clerk of the court, he was jailed for disobeying the local magistrate in defense of middle-class shopkeepers and artisans in conflict with wealthy landowners. Ben Franklin followed in his grandfather's footsteps in his battles against the wealthy Penn family that owned the Pennsylvania Colony.

Early life

Benjamin Franklin was born on Milk Street, in Boston, Massachusetts, on January 17, 1706 and baptized at Old South Meeting House. Josiah wanted Ben to attend school with the clergy, but only had enough money to send him to school for two years.
He attended Boston Latin School but did not graduate; he continued his education through voracious reading. Although "his parents talked of the church as a career" for Franklin, his schooling ended when he was ten.
He then worked for his father for a time and at 12 he became an apprentice to his brother James, a printer, who taught Ben the printing trade. When Ben was 15, James founded The New-England Courant, which was the first truly independent newspaper in the colonies. When denied the chance to write a letter to the paper for publication, Franklin adopted the pseudonym of "Mrs. Silence Dogood", a middle-aged widow. "Mrs. Dogood"'s letters were published, and became a subject of conversation around town. Neither James nor the Courant's readers were aware of the ruse, and James was unhappy with Ben when he discovered the popular correspondent was his younger brother. Franklin left his apprenticeship without permission, and in so doing became a fugitive.
At age 17, Franklin ran away to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, seeking a new start in a new city.
When he first arrived he worked in several printer shops around town. However, he was not satisfied by the immediate prospects. After a few months, while working in a printing house, Franklin was convinced by Pennsylvania Governor Sir William Keith to go to London, ostensibly to acquire the equipment necessary for establishing another newspaper in Philadelphia. Finding Keith's promises of backing a newspaper to be empty, Franklin worked as a typesetter in a printer's shop in what is now the Church of St Bartholomew-the-Great in the Smithfield area of London. Following this, he returned to Philadelphia in 1726 with the help of Thomas Denham, a merchant who employed Franklin as clerk, shopkeeper, and bookkeeper in his business.
In 1727, Benjamin Franklin, then 21, created the Junto, a group of "like minded aspiring artisans and tradesmen who hoped to improve themselves while they improved their community." The Junto was a discussion group for issues of the day; it subsequently gave rise to many organizations in Philadelphia.
Reading was a great pastime of the Junto, but books were rare and expensive. The members created a library, initially assembled from their own books. This did not suffice, however. Franklin then conceived the idea of a subscription library, which would pool the funds of the members to buy books for all to read. This was the birth of the Library Company of Philadelphia: its charter was composed by Franklin in 1731. In 1732, Franklin hired the first American librarian, Louis Timothee. Originally, the books were kept in the homes of the first librarians, but in 1739 the collection was moved to the second floor of the State House of Pennsylvania, now known as Independence Hall. In 1791, a new building was built specifically for the library. The Library Company is now a great scholarly and research library with 500,000 rare books, pamphlets, and broadsides, more than 160,000 manuscripts, and 75,000 graphic items.
Upon Denham's death, Franklin returned to his former trade. In 1728, Franklin had set up a printing house in partnership with Hugh Meredith and the following year became the publisher of a newspaper called The Pennsylvania Gazette. The Gazette gave Franklin a forum for agitation about a variety of local reforms and initiatives through printed essays and observations. Over time, his commentary, and his adroit cultivation of a positive image as an industrious and intellectual young man, earned him a great deal of social respect. But even after Franklin had achieved fame as a scientist and statesman, he habitually signed his letters with the unpretentious 'B. Franklin, Printer.'[12]
In 1731, Franklin was initiated into the local Masonic Lodge. He became Grand Master in 1734, indicating his rapid rise to prominence in Pennsylvania.[13][14] That same year, he edited and published the first Masonic book in the Americas, a reprint of James Anderson's Constitutions of the Free-Masons. Franklin remained a Freemason for the rest of his life.
هو الابن السابع عشر لوالده الذي تزوجت مرتين وهو الاصغر. لم يتعلم في المدرسة الا سنوات محدودة وعمل مع اخية مبكرا لكنه ترك العلم وسافر وهو ما يزال في السابعة عشره.

يتيم اجتماعي.

قديم 09-12-2012, 12:28 PM
المشاركة 20
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Thomas Edison
– Thomas Edison was a great inventor and businessman who created many appliances that have had profound influence on life around the world. A couple of his inventions are: the phonograph and a long lasting light bulb. Jefferson was also one of the first inventors to apply the idea of “mass production” to the invention process. Many give Jefferson credit with creating the first ever industrial research lab. He is considered one of the most gifted inventors ever and holds over 1,000 United States patents. Edison truly added his touch of genius to the scientific community.
Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931) was an American inventor and businessman. He developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and a long-lasting, practical electric light bulb. Dubbed "The Wizard of Menlo Park" (now Edison, New Jersey) by a newspaper reporter, he was one of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass production and large-scale teamwork to the process of invention, and because of that, he is often credited with the creation of the first industrial research laboratory.[1]
Edison is the fourth most prolific inventor in history, holding 1,093 US patents in his name, as well as many patents in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. He is credited with numerous inventions that contributed to mass communication and, in particular, telecommunications. These included a stock ticker, a mechanical vote recorder, a battery for an electric car, electrical power, recorded music and motion pictures.
His advanced work in these fields was an outgrowth of his early career as a telegraph operator. Edison originated the concept and implementation of electric-power generation and distribution to homes, businesses, and factories – a crucial development in the modern industrialized world. His first power station was on Manhattan Island, New York.

Early life

Thomas Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, and grew up in Port Huron, Michigan. He was the seventh and last child of Samuel Ogden Edison, Jr. (1804–96, born in Marshalltown, Nova Scotia, Canada) and Nancy Matthews Elliott (1810–1871, born in Chenango County, New York).[ His father had to escape from Canada because he took part in the unsuccessful Mackenzie Rebellion of 1837.[] Edison reported being of Dutch ancestry.
In school, the young Edison's mind often wandered, and his teacher, the Reverend Engle, was overheard calling him "addled". This ended Edison's three months of official schooling. Edison recalled later, "My mother was the making of me. She was so true, so sure of me; and I felt I had something to live for, someone I must not disappoint." His mother taught him at home. Much of his education came from reading R.G. Parker's School of Natural Philosophy and The Cooper Union.
Edison developed hearing problems at an early age. The cause of his deafness has been attributed to a bout of scarlet fever during childhood and recurring untreated middle-ear infections.
Around the middle of his career, Edison attributed the hearing impairment to being struck on the ears by a train conductor when his chemical laboratory in a boxcar caught fire and he was thrown off the train in Smiths Creek, Michigan, along with his apparatus and chemicals. In his later years, he modified the story to say the injury occurred when the conductor, in helping him onto a moving train, lifted him by the ears.
Edison's family moved to Port Huron, Michigan after the railroad bypassed Milan in 1854 and business declined;[7] his life there was bittersweet. He sold candy and newspapers on trains running from Port Huron to Detroit, and he sold vegetables to supplement his income. He also studied qualitative analysis, and conducted chemical experiments on the train until an accident prohibited further work of the kind.[8]
He obtained the exclusive right to sell newspapers on the road, and, with the aid of four assistants, he set in type and printed the Grand Trunk Herald, which he sold with his other papers.[8] This began Edison's long streak of entrepreneurial ventures, as he discovered his talents as a businessman. These talents eventually led him to found 14 companies, including General Electric, which is still one of the largest publicly traded companies in the world.[9][10]

Edison became a telegraph operator after he saved three-year-old Jimmie MacKenzie from being struck by a runaway train. Jimmie's father, station agent J.U. MacKenzie of Mount Clemens, Michigan, was so grateful that he trained Edison as a telegraph operator. Edison's first telegraphy job away from Port Huron was at Stratford Junction, Ontario, on the Grand Trunk Railway.[11]
In 1866, at the age of 19, Edison moved to Louisville, Kentucky, where, as an employee of Western Union, he worked the Associated Press bureau news wire. Edison requested the night shift, which allowed him plenty of time to spend at his two favorite pastimes—reading and experimenting. Eventually, the latter pre-occupation cost him his job. One night in 1867, he was working with a lead–acid battery when he spilled sulfuric acid onto the floor. It ran between the floorboards and onto his boss's desk below. The next morning Edison was fired.[12]
One of his mentors during those early years was a fellow telegrapher and inventor named Franklin Leonard Pope, who allowed the impoverished youth to live and work in the basement of his Elizabeth, New Jersey home. Some of Edison's earliest inventions were related to telegraphy, including a stock ticker. His first patent was for the electric vote recorder, (U.S. Patent 90,646),[13] which was granted on June 1, 1869
توماس ألفا إديسون (18471931م) مخترع أمريكي ولد في قرية ميلان بولاية أوهايو الأمريكية، لم يتعلم في مدارس الدولة إلا ثلاثة أشهر فقط، فقد وجده ناظر المدرسة طفلا بليدا متخلفا عقليا, ظهرت عبقريته في الاختراع وإقامة مشغله الخاص حيث أظهر سيرته المدهشة كمخترع، ومن اختراعاته مسجلات الاقتراع والبارق الطابع والهاتف الناقل الفحمي والميكرفون والفونوغراف واعظم اختراعاته المصباح الكهربائي.


ولد توماس اديسون في ميلان في ولاية أوهايو في الولايات الأميريكية المتحدة في الحادي عشر من شهر شباط عام 1847م. قام مدرسه بطرده من المدرسة لأن تصرفاته كانت غريبة في صغره بالنسبة للآخرين وجنونيه، لكنها بالنسبة له كانت مغامرات جريئه وحماسيه. وليس بغريب ان ينظر له على أنه مغفل أو مجنون، فلقد قام ذات يوم في طفولته باجراء تجاربه على صديقه مايكل الذي لم يكن يقل له لا ابدا. كان يريد أن يكتشف طريقه للطيران وهو يسأل نفسه باستمرار, كيف يطير هذا الطير وانا لا اطير، لابد ان هناك طريقه لذلك، فأتى بصديقه مايكل واشربه نوع من الغازات يجعله اخف من الهواء حتى يتمكن من الارتفاع كالبالون تماما وامتلأ جوف مايكل من مركب الغازات الذي اعده اديسون الصغير, مما جعله يعاني من آلام حاده ويصرخ بحده, حتى جاء أب توماس وضربه بشده ورمى قواريره واغلق قبو المنزل - السرداب -.
كان توماس دائم السؤال عن ظواهر الاشياء في الكون وكيفية عملها, وكان بطلا في التجارب مهما كلف الثمن فهو لايؤمن بشيئ حتى يجري عليه تجاربه. لم يكن حاله هذا يعجب مدرسيه فلقد كان يقضي وقته في الفصل في رسم الصور ومشاهدة من حوله والاستماع لما يقوله الاخرون, كان كثير الاسأله وخاصه غير المعقول منها, بينما لايميل إلى الاجابة عن الاسأله الدراسيه. وفي حالة ضجر من أحد مدرسيه منه قال المدرس لأديسون: انت فتى فاسد وليس مؤهلا للاستمرار في المدرسه بعد الآن, تألمت الام عند سماعها هذا الخبر وقالت للمدرس كل المشكله ان ابني أذكى منك. وعادت بتوماس للمنزل وبدأت بتثقيفه. فساعدته على مطالعة تاريخ اليونان والرومان وقاموس بورتون للعلوم. وعند سن 11 سنه درس تاريخ العالم الإنجليزي نيوتن والتاريخ الأمريكي والكتاب المقدس وروايات شكسبير. وكان يحب قراءة قصة حياة العالم الإيطالي غاليليو. بينما كان يكره الرياضيات ويقول عن نفسه في كبره: انني استطيع دائما ان استخدم المختصين في الرياضيات ولكن هؤلاء لايستطيعون استخدامي ابدا.
ومن مراحل تعلمه في الصغر ان أبوه كان يمنحه مبلغ صغير من المال مقابل كل كتاب يقرأه, حتى بدأ توماس في قراءة كل الكتب التي تضمها مكتبة المدينة. ومن احب المؤلفين لديه الكاتب الفرنسي فيكتور هيغو صاحب رواية البؤساء الشهيره. ومن كثرة حبه لقصصه كان يكثر من قرائتها لصبيان القرية حتى لقبوه فيكتور هيغو اديسون. وفي عودته لأمه وتربيتها لتوماس يقول أحد جيرانهم: كنت أمر عدة مرات يوميا امام منزل آل اديسون, وكثيرا ماشاهدت الام وابنها توماس جالسين في الحديقه امام البيت, لقد كانت تخصص بعض الوقت يوميا لتدريس الفتى الصغير. ويقول توماس اديسون عن امه: لقد اكتشفت مبكرا في حياتي ان الام هي اطيب كائن على الإطلاق, لقد دافعت امي عني بقوه عندما وصفني استاذي بالفاسد, وفي تلك اللحظه عزمت ان اكون جديرا بثقتها, كانت شديدة الاخلاص واثقة بي كل الثقه, ولولا ايمانها بي لما أصبحت مخترعا ابدا. ومن الاحداث المؤثره في حياته هو وفاة امه سنة 1871م فأثرت الصدمه في نفسه تاثيرات عميقه, حتى كان يصعب عليه الحديث عنها دون أن تمتليئ عيناه بالدموع. ولم يخرج من تلك الاحزان إلا عندما تزوج من فتاة جميله كانت تعمل في مكتبه وذلك في سنة 1873م.
ولقد تأثر اديسون بحياة المهندس الإنجليزي جيمس وات وكيف قادته ملاحظته إلى اكتشاف قوة البخار, حينما كان جالسا مع امه في المطبخ واذا بسحابة من البخار تدفع غطاء القدر - الجدر - إلى أعلى, وبذلك اكتشف قوة البخار. كما أن الفتى الصغير كان يمتهن مهنتين في صغيره بيع الخضار من محصول مزرعة والده وبيع الجرائد في القطارات, مما در عليه ربحا ممتازا. لقد كان اديسون فتى هادئا يستغرق فيما يعمل ويرتدي بذله رخيصة الثمن ولايشترى سواها حتى تبلى ولم يكن يمسح احذيته ونادرا مايسرح شعره. اثبت الفتى من خلالها لعائلته انه يستطيع شق طريقه في الحياة بنفسه, ولذا لم يعد أحد منهم يتدخل في شؤونه بالنسبة لبيع الجرائد. ولاحظ اديسون ان إقبال الناس على الجرايد أصبح جنونيا بعد اندلاع الحرب الأهلية الامريكيه سنة 1861م. ليرفع من سعر الجرائد ويكسب اموالا أكثر, ويشتري طابعه يضعها معه في رحلات القطار ويطبع عليها صحيفه خاصه به من صفحات قليله ويبيعها لحسابه وهي اسبوعيه اسمها (ذي وكيلي هيرالد) وكان يفتخر قائلا: اروج أول جريده في العالم تطبع في قطار.
في عام 1862 وبينما اديسون في أحد غرف القطار مع قواريره الكيميائية وآلته الطابعه وجرائده حيث كان يعمل. حتى وقع اهتزاز شديد للقطار فوقعت القوارير الكيميائية واشتعلت النيران ليقوم الحارس باطفائها والتوقف بالقطار ورمي اديسون وادواته وطابعته على اقرب رصيف. ومن الاحداث المهمه في حياته اصابته بالصمم الجزئي وضعف السمع بسبب تلقي ضربات متعدده على اذنه في فترات حياته المختلفه. ويقول اديسون عن هذا: ان هذا الصمم الجزئي لهو نعمه من بعض النواحي, لأن الضوضاء الخارجيه لاتستطيع أن تشوش افكاري.
ترك اديسون العمل في القطار وانكب على دراسات التلغراف وعن طريقة عمله كان يقول لصديقه آدمس: ان علي ان اعمل الكثير والحياة قصيره ويجب أن استعجل. فكان يعمل 18 ساعه يوميا. وهذا نفس عدد الساعات التي كان يعملها بيل غيتس. وفي أحد الايام ومع العمل المضني وبينما كان يوصل بعض الاسلاك على إحدى البطاريات لاحدى تجاربه, إذ فجأه انفجر حمض النتريك من البطاريه ورش كل وجهه, ولقد قال اديسون عن هذا الحادث المؤثر: لقد شعرت بألم عظيم, وخيل الي انني احرقت حيا، واسرعت إلى الماء اصبه على وجهي دون فائده، ورأيت وجهي في المرآة اسود قبيح. لأمكث اسبوعين لااخرج من غرفتي, ولوكانت عيناي مفتوحتان لأصبحت اعمي, وبعد مده نما جلدي من جديد وزالت آثار الحروق.

طرد من المدرسة وهو صغير لاعتقاد مدرسيه انه غبي . فقد السمع بسبب ارتفاع في درجة الحرارة. ماتت امه التي اعتنت به وعملته في المنزل وهو في سن 24 .

يتيم اجتماعي وفاقد السمع وماتت امه وعمره 24 سنة.

مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 10 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 10)

الانتقال السريع

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هل تولد الحياة من رحم الموت؟؟؟ دراسة بحثية ايوب صابر منبر الدراسات الأدبية والنقدية والبلاغية . 2483 09-23-2019 02:12 PM
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الساعة الآن 09:14 AM

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